The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] Procuratorate and Protection Enterprise | Jiujiang District Procuratorate Held a Compliance Kick off Meeting for Enterprises Involved in the Case
Time: April 7, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, Wuhu City took the initiative to intervene in two cases of enterprises suspected of environmental pollution in advance, and the enterprises involved in the cases took the initiative to apply for enterprise compliance rectification. Upon examination, the enterprise involved meets the conditions for compliance inspection. Since the enterprises involved are located in Jiangsu Province and Jiangxi Province respectively, in order to break the regional barriers to the compliance of the enterprises involved and further promote the connection of the whole process of enterprise compliance investigation, litigation and review, Jiujiang District Procuratorate, relying on the remote cooperation mechanism, carried out the remote enterprise compliance work for the above enterprises involved in the investigation phase.

On April 1, the Jiujiang District Procuratorate held a compliance kick-off meeting for the enterprises involved, which was attended by the chief procurator in charge, the case undertaker, the third-party supervision and evaluation team, representatives of the enterprises involved and lawyers. Among them, the third-party supervision and evaluation team in this case was jointly established by the third-party mechanism management committee in Wuhu and the enterprise location, which selected lawyers and environmental protection experts from the list of professionals.

At the meeting, the case handling prosecutor made a detailed introduction to the case, and expressed opinions and suggestions on the trans provincial enterprise compliance work. The members of the third-party supervision and evaluation team reviewed the compliance rectification plan. After the meeting, the Jiujiang District Procuratorate delivered the procuratorial suggestions to the enterprises involved.

The representatives of the enterprises involved said that the meeting pointed out the direction for the next step of the enterprise's compliance rectification work. Under the joint guidance of the procuratorial organ and the third-party supervision and evaluation team, the enterprise will certainly achieve "judicial rehabilitation" as soon as possible.

The cross provincial cooperation of enterprise compliance is a useful exploration, but also a valuable opportunity for experience learning, communication and sharing. Next, the Jiujiang District Procuratorate will make in-depth communication with the local procuratorates of the enterprises involved, complement each other's advantages, solidly promote the in-depth promotion of enterprise compliance, better create a first-class legal business environment, and help local economic and social high-quality development with high-level procuratorial work.