The Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice, 2024
[Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] Economic Development Procuratorate: Prevention of Campus Bullying, Rule of Law, Guarding the Future
Time: April 1, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Economic Development Zone Procuratorate

Carry out prevention of bullying on campus


In order to further promote the education of the rule of law on campus, enhance the awareness of the rule of law of minors, and help build a safe and harmonious campus, on March 26, the police officers of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone walked into Dongliang Primary School, with the theme of "protection of minors", bringing a lively lecture on the rule of law education to hundreds of teachers and students.

In lively and easy to understand language, the procuratorial police explained the basic content of the Law on the Protection of Minors to students step by step from simple to profound, and focused on the specific manifestations and hazards of campus bullying and campus violence, and taught children how to effectively deal with and prevent campus bullying and campus violence. During the activity, the students actively interacted with the procuratorial police, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Through this activity, the students mastered the methods and measures to deal with bullying on campus, and learned to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests. The third grade student Wang said to the procuratorial police, "After listening to this lecture, I decided to be a campus' little mage 'who knows, understands, loves and protects the law."

In recent years, the procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone has continued to carry out special publicity activities for the protection of minors through various publicity means, matrix and multi platform. In the next step, the procuratorate of the Economic Development Zone will continue to consolidate the results of publicity, continue to deepen the cooperation between the procuratorate and the university, gather the joint forces of minors' protection, and fully escort the healthy growth of minors.