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Rule of law | Tang Hengming: from "becoming a monk halfway" to a national model!
Time: March 27, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small




According to the arrangement of the Publicity Department of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and at the invitation of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, the central and provincial news media recently conducted a centralized interview on the typical deeds of Tang Hengming, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City. The published reports are now forwarded.

March 21, 2024 Anhui Agriculture Science and Education Channel

Time and Space of the Rule of Law, Procuratorial Broadcasting Room

[Introduction] In the past 16 years, from an "outsider of the law" to a "national model prosecutor", he has always been full of a firm belief in the rule of law. He has always been a dream horse, diligently performing his duties, and running on the road of pursuing fairness and justice for the people; Many cases undertaken by him have been rated as national and provincial typical cases. He is the national model prosecutor - Tang Hengming, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City.

[Text] On November 14, 2023, 57 defendants, including Liu and Yang, who were indicted by the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City, were suspected of organizing, leading, participating in underworld organizations and other crimes, and were tried in public in the People's Court of Jinghu District, Wuhu City. At the scene of the trial, 55 defendants pleaded guilty in court!

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: After the handling of this case, I felt much more relaxed and relieved.

[Text] He is Tang Hengming, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City, and also the prosecutor of the case. In October 2022, the criminal case involving Liu and Yang will be transferred from Wuhu People's Procuratorate to Jinghu District People's Procuratorate, and a special case team will be set up in the municipal and district procuratorates. Tang Hengming will be appointed as the leader of the special case team.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: At that time, even after taking over this task, I felt a great deal of pressure, because this case was also listed and supervised by the Provincial Anti Mafia Office. The social impact, including the public's attention, was very high. How to handle this case was also a great challenge for me.

[Text] Although there is pressure in the heart, there has never been retreat in action. Tang Hengming deeply understands that this is a hard battle to win. To this end, he led the case handling team to intervene in advance. After preliminary investigation, Tang Hengming found that the underworld organization headed by Liu in this case had gradually formed as early as 2000. Over the years, this organization has repeatedly carried out illegal and criminal activities such as gathering people to fight and making troubles, which has caused great harm to the society.

[SYNCH] Zhu Yun, Director of the First Procuratorial Department of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate: This case is one of the underworld organizations in Nanling County, Wuhu City. It started in 2000 and will continue until 2022. So the whole time span is very long, involving many people, and there are more than 100 illegal and criminal facts.

[Text] With a long time span and a large number of people involved in such a complicated case involving mafia, how to identify mafia like organizations and mafia related property has become the two most difficult problems in this case. In order to solve these two problems, Tang Hengming carefully studied the file, analyzed and investigated hundreds of criminal facts, and comprehensively examined the charges involved in the case.

[SYNCH] Zhu Yun, Director of the First Procuratorial Department of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate: Tang Jian led us to solve all the problems. He not only coordinated the progress of the whole case and solved all the difficult and complicated problems, but also chewed two important "bones" in the case.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: The total number of people involved in this case was 76 who were transferred by the public security organ for prosecution. In the end, 57 people were prosecuted to the court. Among them, 55 people pleaded guilty to punishment. The principal criminal Liu was sentenced to 22 years of fixed-term imprisonment, and Yang was sentenced to 24 years of fixed-term imprisonment.

[Text] After one year, Tang Hengming led the case handling team to finally form an 1800 page, 880000 word review report. How many sleepless nights, how many times the lights have been shining, he has worked hard in the files, portrayed the red line of law with responsibility and responsibility, guarded fairness and justice, and also guarded his legal belief in his heart.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: I think law is very sacred. It is the last line of defense to safeguard fairness and justice. I think it is also very glorious to work in law.

[Text] Speaking of Tang Hengming's path to prosecution, it was a twists and turns. In 1996, he graduated from a technical secondary school and became an agricultural technology promoter. But Tang Hengming always had a dream about law. So, he took advantage of his spare time to study by himself and obtain a college degree in law. In 2007, Tang Hengming took part in the civil service examination and came to work in the procuratorate. From agronomy to law, from a "legal layman" to a prosecutor, Tang Hengming always told himself to work harder and harder. In order to make up for his lack of professional knowledge, he always insisted on learning while working.

[SYNCH] Li Guangju, Procurator General of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate: Comrade Tang Hengming, who has been engaged in procuratorial work for a long time, loves learning and is particularly practical and capable.

[SYNCH] Ban Xinke, Assistant Procurator of the Fifth Procuratorate Department of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate: He is very conscientious and conscientious in every position. He is hungry for every new knowledge.

[Text] Although Tang Hengming is not good at words in life, he is always meticulous in his work and never says "no" in the face of difficulties! In 2015, Anhui Province was identified as one of the first batch of pilot areas for procuratorial public interest litigation in China. At that time, the public interest litigation prosecution was still a new thing, almost starting from scratch, and there was no experience to learn from on the way of exploration. When everyone was feeling the stones to cross the river, Tang Hengming was entrusted with an important task, which provoked the "ice breaking" attempt of public interest litigation.

[Text] Wanjiang Middle School, located at the foot of Zheshan Mountain and the bank of Jinghu Lake, once left a glorious page in the history of modern Chinese revolution. It was the place where Anhui thought was most active and revolutionary activities were most frequent at that time.

[SYNCH] Shi Baoyou, Deputy Director of Wuhu Cultural Relics Protection Center: Especially during the May 4th Movement, the teachers and students of this school responded to Beijing's May 4th Movement in the first world in Anhui Province, so this school is also known as the "Peking University" in Anhui Province.

[Text] History and culture are the soul of a city. In order to protect these cultural treasures, Wanjiang Middle School was identified as a provincial-level cultural relics protection unit in 2019. Tang Hengming, as a public interest litigation prosecutor, is one of his responsibilities to protect cultural heritage. After receiving the clue about the poor protection of the former site of Wanjiang Middle School, Tang Hengming and the case handling team immediately went to the scene to visit and investigate.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: According to the inspection, the wall of Wanjiang Middle School was cracked, and there was a danger of collapse at any time. No reinforcement measures were taken.

[Text] Through investigation, it is found that the problem of the repair and protection of Wanjiang Middle School has existed for a long time. Due to the difficulty in coordinating the funding and personnel placement, although the local cultural protection department has promoted the repair work for many times, it has not been properly solved. Looking at the dilapidated old buildings, the staff of the cultural protection center are very anxious.

[SYNCH] Shi Baoyou, Deputy Director of Wuhu Cultural Relics Protection Center: Since the Third National Cultural Relics Census was registered as a cultural relic, during the annual safety inspection, we have found that this building has potential safety hazards, such as the collapse and deformation of its roof, the decay of its beams, the fall off of its walls, and even the settlement of its local foundation.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: We communicated with the property rights unit, and they said that they had developed a repair plan, but because of the lack of funds, the repair has not been carried out.

[Text] Finding the crux of the problem, Tang Hengming did not dare to delay for a moment. In order to solve and supervise the rectification as soon as possible, the Jinghu District Procuratorate issued pre litigation procuratorial suggestions to the municipal and district level cultural relics protection departments according to law, and coordinated in many ways to actively help solve problems such as funding and professional restoration during the repair process. By the end of 2022, the renovation work of Wanjiang Middle School has been completed. Now, this 100 year old building has taken on a new look and reappeared its former style in the green pines and cypresses.

[SYNCH] Shi Baoyou, Deputy Director of Wuhu Cultural Relics Protection Center: This building is a revolutionary building, and its red blood has been continued and inherited, which is the thing we want to do most.

[Text] Although the renovation of Wanjiang Middle School was successfully completed, Tang Hengming knew that the protection of cultural relics should always be on the way! Because only by making cultural relics live, can we maximize their historical and cultural value and make the repair more meaningful.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: We will also continue to maintain communication with the cultural relics department to urge property rights units to take effective measures to make rational use of cultural relics.

[Text] On the road of protecting the public interest, Tang Hengming made a step by step move. Whether it is a major event such as the protection of cultural relics or a small matter in people's life, it affects his heart. In 2022, the Jinghu District Procuratorate received the clue of a case of the elderly living in a dangerous house for a long time. Tang Hengming still remembers the situation when he recalled it.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: After seeing the scene, I felt very shocked. An old man was in his 70s, and then he was very thin. Living in a simple house of about ten square meters, life was very hard.

[Text] Looking at the old man who was supposed to live in a humble tin house alone, Tang Hengming was not happy. He was determined to solve the housing problem for the old man! However, it is difficult for honest officials to stop housework. This case makes Tang Hengming difficult.

[SYNCH] Qin You, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Wanggeng Village: In our village, he called his three sons to the village and failed to achieve the desired effect through repeated coordination and mediation.

[SYNCH] Li Guangju, Procurator General of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate: Because this is the exploration of cases in substandard areas, the legal provisions are not clear, and as a grass-roots organization, they are helpless.

[Text] In 2014, the old man's original housing was expropriated for the construction of water conservancy projects. However, due to the distribution of compensation for housing demolition, the old man's three sons had conflicts and refused to support the old man. The protection of the rights and interests of the elderly is an outside area of public interest litigation. Tang Hengming believes that the procuratorial organ can help the elderly to sue in the court in the case of repeated mediation that has not achieved the desired effect.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: At the beginning, we wanted to try to solve the housing problem by formally prosecuting the old man against his three sons. However, during our investigation, the old man was unwilling to prosecute his three sons, considering his family relationship, so we could not go this way.

[Text] Tang Hengming pondered over the concerns of the elderly, and finally decided to try to conduct pre litigation mediation in the form of public interest litigation. However, can this long-standing conflict, which has not been resolved through mediation for many times, be resolved? In order to help the elderly thoroughly solve the problem, Tang Hengming organized local people's congress representatives, CPPCC members, villagers' representatives and other relevant personnel to the scene to learn about the situation and hold public hearings.

[SYNCH] Hu Qimei, representative of the 18th People's Congress of Jinghu District: When it comes to appeals, it may cause some family conflicts. Their brothers and parents don't get along well with each other, so we should try our best to communicate.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: Both the NPC deputy and CPPCC members supported us and suggested that our procuratorial organs try to solve this problem through public interest litigation.

[Text] On September 22, 2022, the Jinghu District Procuratorate reported to the Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate for approval. The case was filed and announced as a civil public interest litigation. At the same time, according to the advance mediation suggestions put forward in the hearing, it communicated with the sons of the old man many times. With the patient persuasion of Tang Hengming and colleagues, the three sons of the old man finally reached an agreement on support.

[SYNCH] Qin You, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Wanggeng Village: Through Tang Jian and Jinghu District Procuratorate to help us coordinate and communicate, the old man has been properly settled. Now he is living with his two sons in Wanpeng District, and the conditions are much better than before.

[SYNCH] Li Guangju, Procurator General of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate: The handling of this case has also promoted us to maintain public order and good customs and promote filial piety and love for relatives, which has played a very good social effect and has received a good response in the local area.

[Text] Although the mediation process was very difficult, Tang Hengming felt that everything he had done was worth it when he saw the old man move out of the simple iron house he had lived in for eight years and live in a new house!

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: When you face an old person who is helpless and helpless, we, as the procuratorial organ, can do something for them and solve their problems by taking advantage of our work responsibilities. I think it is very valuable and necessary.

[Text] Along the way, it is Tang Hengming's procuratorial spirit of taking responsibility for the people that supports him to "manage" these matters to the end. For Tang Hengming, since he embarked on the path of public interest litigation, he has more "busybodies".

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming Wife Zhou Feixiang : In ordinary times, when we go out and walk together sometimes in life, he will find some problems carefully and attentively, that is, there are some hidden dangers of public security, and he will record them.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: When you see that one case is successfully handled, one contradiction is successfully resolved, and then the rights and interests of the parties are legally protected, this sense of value arises spontaneously.

[Text] With this belief of love and serving the people and the public, Tang Hengming has worked hard and made silent contributions to his post. In the past few years, 10 cases he undertook have been rated as typical cases in the whole country and the province. The public interest litigation work of the Jinghu District Procuratorate has also been in the forefront of the city's procuratorial organ business assessment work for many consecutive years.

[SYNCH] Li Guangju, Procurator General of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate: Comrade Tang Hengming is the epitome of our front-line prosecutors, and also the representative of front-line prosecutors. He embodies the concept of front-line prosecutors serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law in handling cases.

[Text] Tang Hengming has gone through 16 years of inspection. In the past 16 years, there have been no earth shaking deeds, no earthshaking feats, but only conscientious and hard work. In December 2023, Tang Hengming was awarded the title of "National Model Procurator" by the Supreme People's Procuratorate. In the face of this heavy honor, he felt more burdensome.

[SYNCH] Tang Hengming, Deputy Procurator General, member of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City: In my future work, I will cherish this hard won honor, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, strive bravely to be the first, and work steadily. At the same time, I should set a good example, lead our team, and influence people around us with my own words and deeds in work.

[Text] Ye Zhihua and Hu Yiwei, a reporter from Time and Space of the Rule of Law, reported