Personnel information
[Personnel appointment and removal] Notice on the promotion of Wang Jun and other comrades
Time: September 23, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Economic Development Zone Institute, The discipline inspection and supervision team in the hospital and the internal organizations of the municipal hospital:

through two thousand and twenty year nine month fifteen The Japanese Party Leadership Group Meeting discussed and decided that seventeen Rank promotion of comrades:

1、 Municipal hospital organ

(1) The following three Comrades were promoted to the first level of chief staff

king   Jun, Tao   Jun, Du Luqing

(2) The following one A comrade was promoted to the rank of second sergeant

Gao Shibing

(3) The following one Comrades were promoted to level three chief staff members

Wu   Fluorescein

(4) The following one Comrades were promoted to level four chief staff members

Xu Hongmei

(5) The following eight A comrade was promoted to level four assistant prosecutor

Sun Xiaolong, Song Shiyue Li Qiufang, Li Jiahao, Huang   Zhen, Jin   Yan, Zhang Qinxin, Hao   Bin

(6) The following two A comrade was promoted to the rank of police chief

Construction   Lei, Yang   Yi

2、 Economic Development Zone Institute

(1) The following one A comrade was promoted to level four assistant prosecutor

From Xi Rong

It is hereby notified.


                        Party Leadership Group of Wuhu People's Procuratorate

two thousand and twenty year nine month twenty-three day