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[Good News] Dong Chaowu, a criminal enforcement officer of the municipal procuratorial organ, was awarded the title of "provincial criminal enforcement procuratorial business model"
Time: July 20, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

[Good News] Dong Chaowu, a criminal enforcement officer of the municipal procuratorial organ, was awarded the title of "provincial criminal enforcement procuratorial business model"


two thousand and eighteen year seven month fifteen Solstice sixteen The second provincial procuratorial organ criminal execution procuratorial business competition was held in Anqing on July sixteen Cities and provincial courts and their procuratorates thirty More than players participated in the competition. After two days of fierce competition, Dong Chaowu, the chief of the supervision section of the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, appointed by the Wuhu Municipal Procuratorate, won the title of "provincial criminal execution procuratorial service pacesetter" with a good comprehensive score of second place.



After the Provincial People's Procuratorate issued the notice of the criminal execution procuratorial business competition, the Supervision Office of the Municipal People's Procuratorate made a special report to the leaders in charge of the competition in a timely manner, and selected the best candidates to participate in the provincial people's procuratorate as the key work arrangement for a period of time. After the preliminary investigation and overall consideration, Dong Chaowu, the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, finally decided to participate in the competition on behalf of Wuhu City.


After the personnel were determined, the party group of the Jiujiang District Procuratorate attached great importance to it. Dong Chaowu, a police officer, carefully prepared for the competition. He worked overtime to prepare for the competition by taking advantage of weekends and off duty hours. This business competition includes all kinds of knowledge about criminal execution and procuratorial business, focusing on the ability of players to master and apply criminal execution and procuratorial business knowledge, analysis and judgment ability, case handling ability and other comprehensive qualities. The competition process is divided into three links: written examination of comprehensive professional knowledge of criminal execution procuratorial work, case review and document making, case review and defense. Comrade Dong Chaowu lived up to expectations, stood out and finally won the second place in the province.



Taking Comrade Dong Chaowu as an example, the city's procuratorial police for criminal execution will continue to strengthen the study of political theory and professional knowledge, work hard, dare to take responsibility, and earnestly focus on the "three special" tasks determined by the highest level of inspection, so as to make due contributions to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of detainees and the social stability of our city.




Wen Tu Feng Fubin