Procuratorial Highlights
Anhui Provincial Procuratorate went to Wuhu two level procuratorial organs to carry out patrol inspection, special supervision and inspection on the implementation of rectification
Time: May 16, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to do a solid job in the "second half" of the inspection article, and continue to promote the implementation of the rectification work of the feedback from the Supreme Procuratorate Group's inspection tour of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, on May 13 and 14, the Provincial Procuratorate's Inspection and Rectification Steering Group organized a team to carry out on-site supervision and inspection on the joint rectification of common problems of the inspection feedback from the Wuhu procuratorates. Ding Biyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Wuhu Municipal Procuratorate, accompanied the inspection.

The municipal procuratorate strengthened political construction and built absolute loyalty; Deeply study mobilization and strengthen theoretical armed forces; Strengthen problem orientation and achieve accurate force; The organization and leadership were strengthened to ensure the implementation of the rectification in four aspects, and the rectification of common problems in the implementation of the feedback from the highest inspection tour was reported. During the inspection, the supervision team checked the standing book of inspection and rectification work, the supervision and inspection of Sinking Jiujiang District Institute, and visited the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to understand the relevant situation.

Zhu Fuqiang, the leader of the supervision group and the deputy director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Provincial People's Court, fully affirmed the early implementation of inspection and rectification work by the city's two level procuratorial organs, and put forward three suggestions on the next step: everything According to the schedule, we should accelerate the progress of rectification work; Second In accordance with the "four dimensions", pay close attention to the results of rectification work; Third Timely sort out typical cases of rectification work and do a good job of up and down linkage rectification.