Procuratorial Highlights
[Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] Analysis, research and consultation! Wuhu Procuratorate Holds the First Quarter 2024 Business Data Analysis, Research and Judgment Conference
Time: May 6, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In the afternoon of April 28, Wuhu Municipal People's Procuratorate held a consultation meeting on the analysis, research and judgment of the city's business data in the first quarter of 2024. Zhao Haoping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, attended the meeting. The leaders of the Municipal Procuratorate, the Procurators General of all grassroots courts, the heads of all relevant departments of the Municipal Procuratorate, and the heads of case management of all grassroots courts attended the meeting.

The meeting reported the evaluation of the provincial procuratorate on the procuratorial work of Wuhu Procuratorate and the municipal procuratorate on the procuratorial work of each county and district procuratorate in 2023, and the data on the procuratorial work of the city's procuratorate in the first quarter of 2024, Analyze the problems and causes existing in the business work, propose improvement measures, and the leaders of the branch office of the municipal procuratorate made comments.

Zhao Haoping put forward three requirements in his concluding speech: everything Grasp the timeliness of work, coordinate the timing, rhythm and efficiency of work, follow the law of judicial case handling, handle each case with high quality and efficiency, and create Wuhu procuratorial excellent case handling brand; Second Constantly learn and improve, understand the relationship between contentment and lack of knowledge, the relationship between confidants and people, and the relationship between knowledge and ignorance, and strengthen learning and improve constantly; Third Optimize the work style, maintain a good mental state, enhance the awareness of striving for excellence, increase efforts to do solid work, and take the ongoing party discipline learning and education as an opportunity to promote the high-quality development of Wuhu's procuratorial work.