Procuratorial Highlights
[World Intellectual Property Day] Walk into the chief enterprise of Anhui automobile industry and talk about a new model of intellectual property inspection and enterprise cooperation
Time: April 28, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of April 26, Xi Yaowu, Deputy Procurator General of Wuhu Municipal Procuratorate, and his delegation walked into the Chery Group's trade secret protection demonstration site, held an in-depth discussion and exchange with the representatives of the enterprise on the blocking points and difficulties of trade secret protection work since the establishment of the trade secret protection demonstration site two years ago, as well as the case handling services of the procuratorial organ, and provided Li Yongjie, Director of the Chery Group's Legal and Intellectual Property Center Zhou Junqiang, a professor from the Law School of Anhui Normal University, issued the certificate of intellectual property expert assistant of Wuhu Procuratorate.

At the meeting, the representative of Chery Group said that the significant achievements Chery Group has made in the protection of trade secrets in recent years could not be separated from the support of the procuratorial organ. This forum made enterprises feel once again the determination of Wuhu Procuratorate to protect their intellectual property rights. It is hoped that the procuratorial organs will continue to support and help the development of enterprises, and at the same time, they will regularly carry out joint construction activities between the procuratorial organs and enterprises, and provide legal services for online slander, difficult implementation, and micro corruption problems encountered in the development of enterprises.

Since the establishment of Wuhu Demonstration Site for Trade Secret Protection, a trade secret protection mechanism featuring "judicial guidance, enterprise leadership, department cooperation, and multi-party interaction" has been gradually established through case discussion, theme salon, countersignature guidance and other forms, effectively punishing criminal acts that violate the law against enterprise trade secrets, and effectively enhancing the awareness of enterprise trade secret protection.

In the next step, Wuhu Procuratorate will continue to play the radiation role of trade secret protection demonstration sites, actively integrate into the forefront of economic development, deepen the governance of litigation sources, promote the full chain and life cycle protection of intellectual property, and serve Chinese modernization and high level scientific and technological innovation with high-quality procuratorial performance.

At the meeting, the "Wuhu Procuratorate Protection Enterprise" procuratorial workstation of Wuhu Procuratorate in Chery Group was set up simultaneously.