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[Year of Excellence in Law Enforcement and Justice] Nanling Procurator: Refusing campus bullying, escorting the growth of the rule of law
Time: March 27, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Rule of law into campus

On March 25, 2024, the 29th "National Safety Education Day for Primary and Middle School Students", Tongxueying, a police officer of the uninspected workshop of "Wuhui Flowers · Ziyunying" of the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County, walked into Nanling County Chungu Middle School to carry out a law popularization campaign under the flag of "Refusing bullying on campus" in order to effectively enhance students' safety awareness.

flag raising ceremony

The event kicked off with the rising of the five-star red flag.

After the flag raising ceremony, Tong Xueying made a keynote speech "Refusing bullying on campus and building a harmonious campus together".

Tong Xueying introduced the definition, manifestation and harm of campus bullying in the lecture, called on all teachers and students to dare to say "no" to campus bullying, educate and guide students to enhance their legal awareness and concept of rule of law, learn to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, encourage students to actively participate in the action against campus bullying, and work together to create a harmonious, beautiful Civilized campus.

Tips for rejecting campus bullying


Do not worship bullying culture. To form correct values, we should not be aggressive bullies, weak bullies or indifferent bystanders.


Do not participate in campus bullying. We should establish a correct concept of right and wrong, and resolutely do not act as an accomplice in bullying on campus.


Pay attention to the development of mental health

Keep an optimistic attitude, take the initiative to communicate with others, solve conflicts, be kind to others, and be tolerant. For example, don't make excessive provocative behavior on the court, and don't attack classmates in the occasional noisy class on weekdays.


Strengthen their own legal awareness and concept of rule of law

Because of fear and anxiety, many students did not dare to tell their parents and teachers about the problem, let alone call the police, and finally made a "silent lamb", which encouraged bullying. The prosecutor reminded students that they should learn, understand and abide by the law. They should not only use the law to regulate their own behavior, but also use it. They should learn to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and use legal shields to protect their own safety and that of others.