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[Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] Wan Xuan Procurator: Vice President of Law Enforcement Collectively popularizes the law and talks with students about campus bullying
Time: March 27, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Safety education on campus

Escort grows in action

Hello, prosecutor, can you come to our school to explain the rule of law lesson on prevention of bullying on campus to the students?

OK, no problem, arrange!

The rule of law education for young people has its merits in the present age and benefits in the future. On March 25, the vice principals of the People's Procuratorate of Wanpeng District, Wuhu City, went to Wuhu County No. 1 Middle School, Youjin School and Nanhu School respectively according to the demand of "order" of the rule of law course of prevention of bullying on campus in the schools under their jurisdiction, to deliver the students a "feast" of rule of law.

Prevention of bullying on campus

Wuhu No. 1 Middle School

"Hello, students! I'm Xu Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Wanpeng District Procuratorate. I'm glad to have the opportunity to communicate with the students. Before I begin, I want to ask you a question. Do you think it is safe in school?"

At the radio station of No. 1 Middle School in Wuhu County, Xu Lei explained "what is student bullying", "possible types of crimes involved in student bullying", "several types of groups in student bullying", and explained to students the incentives and hazards of campus bullying and the legal responsibilities that campus bullying should bear, In combination with the case of campus bullying in the movie "Article 20", the article 20 of the Criminal Law on justifiable defense was introduced to students to guide them how to respond scientifically to campus bullying and bravely say "no" to campus bullying.

Yujin School Nanhu School

At 沚 Tianjin School, Nanhu School, Zhang Zhenglin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Wan沚 District Procuratorate, and Zhou Yaqun, a full-time member of the procuratorial committee, respectively, in the form of PPT interspersed with videos, through on-site interaction with students, they guided students how to regulate their own behaviors, clarify which behaviors are correct and which behaviors are explicitly prohibited by law. In combination with relevant cases and legal provisions, we will teach students how to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests when encountering campus violence, abuse and other situations.

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people; Educate people by law, moisten things silently. Promoting the work of vice presidents of the rule of law is not only the demand of the rule of law construction, but also the demand of the times. In the future, the procuratorate of Wangui District will continue to accurately meet the demand of law popularization, practically meet the people's expectations of the rule of law, and realize the two-way rush of "you click I speak" and "I speak you listen".