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Procuratorial culture
[Year of Law Enforcement and Judicial Excellence] The procuratorate of the Economic Development Zone held a conference on comprehensively and strictly governing the party
Time: March 25, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On March 21, the branch party group of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone and the discipline inspection and supervision group of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in the city held a special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on comprehensively and strictly governing the party. The meeting was presided over by Guo Qihong, a member of the sub party group and deputy chief procurator of the People's Procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone. Li Lu, a member of the party group of the Municipal People's Procuratorate and the leader of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the People's Procuratorate stationed in the Municipal People's Republic of China, attended the meeting. All the team members of the People's Procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone attended the meeting.

At the meeting, we focused on the study of Xi Jinping: Always Remain Clear and Firm in Solving the Unique Problems of the Big Party, and Carry out the Great Self revolution of the Party to the End. The members of the leadership team of the Academy reported in turn on the implementation of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in 2023, as well as the rectification and implementation of the recommendations made by the branch party group of the Academy and the chamber of commerce of the discipline inspection and supervision group in the Academy last year.

Li Lu reported the development of discipline inspection work in 2023, and put forward suggestions and requirements on the work of comprehensively and strictly governing the party of the Economic Development Zone:

zero one

Improve political standing and adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work

zero two

Strengthen the awareness of managing the Party and governing the Party, and earnestly implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

zero three

We will strengthen the implementation of the system, give full play to the role of the procuratorial committee and the joint meeting of prosecutors in reviewing and checking the quality of cases, and comprehensively and accurately implement the judicial responsibility system.

zero four

We will strengthen discipline building, place discipline building in a more prominent position, and enhance the awareness of discipline and rules of procuratorial officers.

The meeting stressed that in 2024, under the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the municipal procuratorate, the Economic Development Zone will continue to do a good job in the overall strict governance of the party, always maintain the high pressure situation of punishing corruption, correct the "four winds", maintain a strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere, and comprehensively strengthen the discipline building of the party.