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Procuratorial culture
[My Motherland and I • Procuratorate] Procuratorate blue makes the five-star red flag more bright
Time: August 30, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   To celebrate the founding of New China seventy On the anniversary, we reviewed the arduous process of revolution and construction, inherited the advanced revolutionary culture, carried forward the spirit of sacrifice and dedication, told a good story of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and carried out in-depth patriotic education activities. eight month sixteen On the afternoon of November th, Wuhu People's Procuratorate held a wonderful speech contest themed "My Motherland and I". Wu Yao from the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang County won the award of excellence in this speech contest. Let's take a look at her style!  

   Distinguished leaders, judges and comrades  


   Our motherland is ancient and great, and our motherland is magnificent and eternal. This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In a long time, 70 years may not be remarkable, but for every Chinese, it means a lot.  


   My motherland, with five thousand years of thickness, has a vast area of 9.6 million square kilometers. His life has been full of difficulties. He has gone through trials and hardships, and his spirit has shocked the world: Kuafuzhuri, Jingwei fills the sea, Nuwa mends the sky, Yugong moves the mountain, and legends are so soul stirring; He has experienced wind and rain, Xia, Shang, Zhou and Wu, Qin and Han dynasties, Tang and Song dynasties, imperial republic, and the sky of history is full of stars; My motherland has a strong and powerful core, and has the muscles and bones to be tempered. The road he has chosen has become wider and wider, and he has gathered strength to overcome difficulties. Watch me sing along the way.  


   The fate of the motherland is the fate of every Chinese. For the sake of the motherland, Su Wu can bear the humiliation and herd sheep; Huo Qubing can serve his country and refuse to return home; Tan Sitong can leave the liver and gall, and laugh about the Dao Cong ……  


   Now, the wheel of history has entered a new era —— Over the past 70 years, generations of builders have made selfless contributions to the motherland and the people. My motherland is no longer only primitive gunpowder, the soaring rockets will carry the dreams of the Chinese people to the world; My motherland is no longer only the Great Wall, Gaoxia Pinghu The Three Gorges Reservoir has attracted worldwide attention; My motherland is no longer poor and backward. The Chinese nation has achieved food and clothing, entered a well-off society, and stands among the nations of the world.  


   In the new era, to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, fairness and justice are the cornerstone, and reform and innovation are the driving force. In the tide of promoting judicial reform, The iron shoulder bears morality and justice, and the blood is loyal The starting point and fundamental purpose of our procuratorial work is to enforce the law for the people, satisfy the people, and safeguard social fairness and justice.  


   Some people say that prosecutors are like the Great Wall, which encircles the earth and blocks the erosion of flying sand and rolling stones, violent storms. There is such a prosecutor in our hospital thirty In the procuratorial career of.  


   He once worked in the procuratorial office of the detention center in the suburb with difficult working and living conditions. He has been sticking to his post, his life principles, and the professional ethics of prosecutors for more than ten years. He has carried out more than a thousand safety precautions and inspections to eliminate potential safety hazards two hundred More than once, facing all kinds of prisoners every day, while performing their supervision functions, they paid more attention to the help and education work, helping them understand their own mistakes, eliminate their resistance, establish a correct outlook on life, and make them return to society as soon as possible.  


   Some people say that the procurator is like a towering Mount Tai, whose upright posture is stern and just, like a ruler recording the vicissitudes of life. They do not have high officials and high salaries, but they pay without regrets; They are jealous of evil, but they love people immensely.  


   They often give up their rest time and fight in front of a sea of files and evidence; Argue and argue in court; In order to help juvenile suspects to reform, they went deep into their families and schools, where the spring breeze turned into rain and everything was silent.  


   However, for families, prosecutors have too many comings and goings. How many times have they returned home late at night, how many times have they gone on business to deal with cases, and they can only say something when facing the expectant eyes of their families I'm sorry  


   Others say that the prosecutor is like a Himalayan snow peak. The white and boundless world is solemn and sacred, reflecting dazzling light under the sunshine. After graduating from college, I chose procuratorial work with unlimited admiration for prosecutors, because it carries my dream.  


   I can't forget the pride and joy when I first put on the procuratorial uniform, the enthusiasm when I first wore the procuratorial badge, and the awe inspiring righteousness when I first saw the public prosecutor in the court making a righteous statement accusing a crime.  


   I saw how many procurators around me were coming in the wind and going out in the rain in the heat and cold; Traveling across mountains and rivers, climbing mountains and mountains to the place where the crime occurred to investigate and collect evidence, and walking through every township in the county; In the cold winter detention center, the criminal's interrogation stays for a day; In the hot fields in summer, it takes half a day to review a testimony …… These are the daily activities of prosecutors.  


   I deeply feel that the badge on my chest is heavy. It represents the dignity of law, fairness and justice, and the trust of the people.  


   As the builders and defenders of China under the rule of law, we are well aware that laws and regulations are ineffective and the country's foundation is not upheld. A strong law-abiding person makes a strong country , If a person who obeys the law is weak, the country will be weak Ruling and rejuvenating the country cannot be separated from the support of the rule of law; Social development is inseparable from the rule of law; The well-being of the people cannot be separated from the protection of the rule of law.  


   I often warn myself: What you need to ask is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. As builders in the era of peace and successors to the procuratorial cause, we should have a sense of urgency that we cannot afford, a sense of crisis that we cannot afford to wait for, and a sense of responsibility that we cannot sit still.  


   Finally, I would like to encourage all prosecutors with Lu Xinyu's speech at the graduation ceremony of Peking University: no matter what happens to China, please remember: where you stand is your China; China will do as you do; China is what you are; If you have light, China will no longer be dark.