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[3.15 Special] Economic development inspection: carry out joint publicity to protect consumer rights and interests
Time: March 18, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Consumer Rights Day

According to/law/maintenance/rights protection/protection/rights/benefits

Economic Development Zone Procuratorate and Market Supervision Administration

Carry out 3.15 publicity activities

In order to improve consumers' awareness of safeguarding their rights and promote the improvement of the consumption environment, on March 15, the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, together with the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, jointly launched an international consumer rights and interests day publicity activity at the Huashan Road Commercial Plaza with the theme of "gathering all forces and stimulating consumption vitality".

The procuratorial police set up booths, placed display boards, distributed publicity materials to the masses, answered the questions of the masses, and explained and publicized relevant legal knowledge such as consumer rights protection and intellectual property protection to the masses through specific cases in a simple and understandable way, effectively improving the awareness of the masses of consumer rights protection and intellectual property protection. At the same time, the masses are encouraged to actively provide case clues and strive to create a good social atmosphere of knowing, understanding, abiding and protecting the law.

Safeguard the rights and interests of consumers

In the next step, the procuratorate of the Economic Development Zone will actively perform its duties, continue to strengthen the connection between execution and the functions of relevant departments in the field of product quality and intellectual property rights, make every effort to create a good environment for "assured consumption" with practical actions, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and contribute procuratorial force to the construction of a better economic development zone.