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[3 · 15 Special] Nanling County People's Procuratorate launched the "3 · 15" consumer protection campaign
Time: March 18, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

three hundred and fifteen

On the morning of March 15, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County, Wuhu City, in conjunction with the Market Supervision Administration of the County, carried out the "March 15" international consumer protection campaign.

At the event site, the procuratorial police popularized the legal knowledge related to consumer protection by issuing leaflets for popularizing the law to the people participating in the event and receiving legal advice, and introduced the functions and responsibilities of the procuratorial organ in the field of consumer protection in the language of "grounding" in combination with the typical cases in the field of consumer protection handled by the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County in recent years, They also told everyone how to protect their rights according to law, reminded everyone to strengthen their study, constantly improve their awareness of prevention and self-protection ability, and jointly create a good atmosphere for maintaining food safety.

In this publicity activity, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County, through "zero distance contact and face to face popularization of the law" with the masses, made the awareness of safeguarding rights according to law more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, at the same time, made the masses have a further understanding and understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the procuratorial organs, guided consumers to establish a correct view of consumption, and enhanced consumers' awareness of the rule of law and legal concepts.

In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County will give full play to its procuratorial functions, strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests, effectively organize a network of consumer protection, and provide procuratorial wisdom and strength to promote high-quality economic and social development.