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[Implement the spirit of the city's Procurator General Conference] Nanling Procurator: Return to zero and restart cohesion
Time: February 28, 2024 Author: News source: Wuhu City [Font size: large | in | Small

Zero and restart cohesion

Nanling County People's Procuratorate convey

The whole city Spirit of the Procurator General and the Work Conference on Building a Clean and Honest Party

On February 26, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County held a meeting of police officers. Leaders of the hospital, heads of all departments and all procuratorial police attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Lu Yueping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General, summarized the new progress made in the procuratorial work in Nanling in 2023, conveyed the spirit of the city's Procurator General and the Conference on Building a Clean and Honest Party and Government, and defined the work goals for 2024 in accordance with the requirements of the conference for the work of all lines and in combination with the actual work of the procuratorial work in Nanling.

Meeting requirements

We should deeply study and understand the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, and unswervingly and resolutely implement the new requirements of the new deployment of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. Closely combine the reality of the procuratorial work in Nanling, practically improve the political position, and unify the thought and action to the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee, the county party committee, and the superior court. It is necessary to objectively analyze the current situation of the construction of a clean and honest government in Nanling Procuratorate, seriously reflect on the causes behind the problems and the soil for taking both the symptoms and the root causes of the problems and systematically governing them. Always adhere to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere, integrate supervision into daily life, do it regularly, let the police develop the habit of working and living in a supervised and constrained environment, and systematically implement the key tasks of building a clean and honest government.

The meeting emphasized

First To boost the spirit, we should always pay close attention to political construction. Always adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party over procuratorial work, press and tighten the political responsibility of governing the Party's governance and prosecution, guarantee the modernization of China with the modernized service of procuratorial work, adhere to promoting the in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building, implement the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal conference of chief procurators, and achieve the integration of political and business construction, We should combine politics with the rule of law. Pay attention to giving play to the leading role of party building, strengthen the expansion of party branch construction, give full play to the core role of the party organization as a battleground, strengthen the daily supervision, education and management of party members, deepen the "case based party building", strengthen the integration of political construction and business construction, stimulate the entrepreneurial motivation and vitality of officials, and earnestly lead high-quality and efficient performance of duties with high-quality party building.

Second Anchor the goal and make every effort to improve the quality and efficiency of work. Highlight the value pursuit of "handling each case well with high quality and efficiency", and promote the comprehensive, coordinated and fully integrated development of "four major procuratorates". In combination with the reality of Nanling's procuratorial work, we should benchmark the outstanding county and district courts, conduct in-depth analysis and research, target and formulate countermeasures, focus on grasping the key points of supervision, improving the quality and efficiency of supervision, strengthening internal management, and standardizing the performance of procuratorial work, create a distinctive brand of Nanling's procuratorial work, enhance the popularity of Nanling's procuratorial work, and promote the role of the rule of law to be more brilliant. Promote the integrated, dynamic and comprehensive performance of duties, escort the high-quality development of Nanling with high-quality procuratorial performance, and interpret the procuratorial responsibility of Nanling with high-quality supervision.

Three requirements Improve Suneng and forge a strong procuratorial team. The team is the foundation of the procuratorial cause, and the talent is the key to the entrepreneurship of the officers. To build the foundation and grasp the key, we should put the professional construction in a more prominent position, and effectively improve the professional quality of the procuratorial police. We should continue to give full play to the effectiveness of "helping and guiding", make good use of the old mechanism to guide the new, practice the true skills of "writing, speaking, seeing and thinking", encourage and organize police officers to participate in various business competitions, pay attention to the training of police officers' practical ability, and improve and cultivate the Nanling procuratorial army with high-quality and efficient elements.

The meeting also commended the advanced collectives and individuals in 2023, and signed the letter of responsibility for building a clean and honest government.