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Economic and procuratorial work: judicial assistance solves the "salary" problem, and Wufeng sends Nuan'an "salary" back
Time: 2024-02-20 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

With the Spring Festival approaching in 2024, the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone found that many migrant workers who were in arrears with their wages had difficulties in living when handling a case of refusing to pay labor remuneration. The leaders of the hospital attached great importance to opening a green channel for judicial assistance for 17 people in need at the first time, and paid more than 24000 yuan in just five days to help solve the problem of "salary" and let migrant workers go home safely for the Spring Festival.

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood. In the next step, the procuratorate of the Economic Development Zone will rely on the brand of "Wufeng to deliver warmth", strengthen the linkage between the government and the procuratorate, give full play to the important role of judicial assistance in emergency relief, and contribute procuratorial power to the Warm Heart Economic Development Zone.