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[New Year's Message from the Procurator General at the grass-roots level] Jinghu Procurator: striving for a new "mirror" world
Time: January 16, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

New Year's Message from the Procurator General

Strive for a new "mirror" world


Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate Li Guangju

Exchange between the New and the Old, and Live in All Endlessly

The calendar of the strivers always turns faster. In a twinkling of an eye, the "Jade Rabbit" is gone and the "Golden Dragon" has arrived. One year's rush witnessed hard work, and one year's hard work yielded fruitful results. In the past 2023, together with the strivers from all walks of life, the mirror inspectors worked hard to harvest and move forward with determination.

Count the Past and Know the Future · Ring the Bell to ask for effect

Look back

In the past year, we focused on capacity improvement, guided by high-quality and efficient performance of duties, and made a down-to-earth effort with a truth-seeking attitude. In the public prosecution seat of major cases, in the front line of protecting people's livelihood, in the arena of business competition, and on the road to Tibet assistance in the snow covered plateau, we stepped out of Jinghu to check the acceleration.

The youth is waiting to burn, and never stops. In the past year, under the guidance of the new concept, we have paid equal attention to law and temperature, procedures and efficiency, sincerity and moderation. We have handled cases well with the awareness of "being like I'm suing", and served the masses with the attitude of "being like I'm suing"... Grass roots security is the world's security, and the "procuratorate at home" makes the masses truly feel that fairness and justice are around.

Message from Xinyuan

Looking forward to 2024

When the tide rises and paddles again, the boundless scenery is ahead. Looking forward to 2024, we will close the old report card and stand at the new starting line. Only by working hard and showing courage, can we achieve success.

In the new year, all the mirror examiners will firmly grasp the "guideline" of integrating the modernization of procuratorial work into the modernization of political and legal work and serving the modernization of Chinese style, constantly consolidate the "true color" of the team, polish the "bright color" of the brand, improve the "quality" of the ability, and strive for effectiveness in the political construction, in the improvement of quality and ability for a long time, and in the integrity and innovation, I am very responsible and constantly solve new problems in the new journey.

The cloud journey begins, and it is still possible to see it for thousands of miles. In 2024, all the police officers of Jinghu Procuratorate will continue to create a new "mirror" world of procuratorial work and contribute procuratorial power to our city's efforts to accelerate the building of a provincial sub center and build a people's city with higher morale and more solid performance of duties.