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[Welcoming the Two Sessions of the Municipal People's Congress, Typical Case] Jiujiang Procuratorate's "Three Projects" to Build a New Era Procuratorial Team
Time: January 9, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Editor's Note:
In order to welcome the two sessions of Wuhu City, since January 2, Wuhu Procuratorate has launched a series of special reports to show the two levels of Wuhu City Procuratorial organ Highlight work, typical cases and the demeanor of procuratorial figures, please "check" them.

Since 2023, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, Wuhu City has taken the opportunity of the special action of "Year of Capacity Improvement · Endeavour 2023" to carry out the special action of "Jiujiang Procuratorate Striving for Excellence" in talent training, and has been making persistent efforts to build a team of procuratorial talents with strong political skills and fine style.

The "soul casting" project nourishes the "original heart" of the procurator

We will strengthen political construction and further improve the political ability of procurators. First, the theme education is "concentration". Benchmarking the deployment of the second batch of thematic education tasks, formulating "two plans and two plans", implementing "four learning linkage", and comprehensively applying the political rotation training of all staff, so as to ensure that the Party's innovative theory is further advanced every time, and the theoretical arms are further advanced. Second, the Party building led the "spirit raising". Build a 2.0 version of the "Three Three" party building work method, give play to the red leading role of the party branch and party leaders, and the work experience was included in the practical teaching course of the training class of "10000 secretaries into the party school" of the district directly administered organs. The third is to guide and encourage "empowerment". Incorporate political performance into daily management, procuratorial personnel assessment, cadre selection and appointment, implement incentive and reward methods, timely commend and reward departments and individuals who undertake urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks and have outstanding performance, and fully mobilize the initiative of police officers.

The project of "increasing intelligence" strengthens the inspection of "muscles and bones"

We should focus on the construction of professional skills, persevere in building a strong team, improving quality skills, and practicing internal skills. One is to learn "long talent". The salon with the theme of "Jiujian Lecture Hall" and "Shadow Detection and Light Gathering" was carried out. The business backbone was regularly on the platform, and the national outstanding public prosecutors, leaders of superior courts, experts in the legal field, etc. were invited to the academy for 7 exchanges and discussions. The second is to communicate "seeing the world". Deepen the cooperation between procuratorates and schools, select police officers from all lines to go to superior departments, district level organs and the front line of letters and visits for training and polishing, organize to go to advanced institutes to learn digital procuratorial experience, and work with procuratorial organs in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places to explore and promote the hierarchical intervention of juvenile delinquency. The third is to practice "strong internal skills". Focusing on business competition, case study, etc., to promote learning and practice by comparison, 6 key personnel were awarded the provincial "excellent public prosecutors", "business pacesetters" and "business experts", and were selected into the provincial talent pool.

▲ Start the cooperation tour with Anhui University of Engineering

▲ Hold "Jiujian Lecture Hall"“

"Positive wind" project, tempering the "true color" of inspection

We will work hard and comprehensively to strictly control the Party's governance and inspection, and promote the formation of a pragmatic and responsible work style. First, establish an analysis, research and judgment mechanism. Establish the "list+closed-loop" management mode, focus on key work, monthly analysis of core business indicators, quarterly research and judgment, and semi annual summary, find problems one by one, analyze reasons, and propose countermeasures for weaknesses in the short board. The second is to establish a supervision mechanism. Promote the connection between the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the hospital and the procuratorial supervision work, carry out the procuratorial supervision and efficiency inspection regularly, strengthen the tracking and supervision of important matters, remind the slow progress of interviews, and do a good job in filling in the "three regulations". Third, establish a dynamic review mechanism. Relying on the procuratorial committee and the procuratorial joint conference, we will carry out common analysis of similar cases, in-depth analysis of individual cases, and backward review of petition cases, strengthen the study of typical cases and guiding cases, guide prosecutors to break the inertia thinking, strengthen reflection and counter investigation, strengthen the spirit of the first person responsible for the judicial responsibility system, and handle each case with high quality and efficiency.