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[Welcome to the Two Sessions of the Municipal People's Congress] Video | "Procuratorial Blue" Illuminates Yourself of Teenagers
Time: January 3, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Editor's Note:
In order to welcome the two sessions in Wuhu, since January 2, the Wuhu Procuratorate has launched a series of special reports to show the highlights of the work, typical cases and the demeanor of procuratorial figures of the two levels of procuratorial organs in Wuhu. Please "inspect" them.

Procuratorial blue

Light up the young you

Sailing and Dream Building

The protection of minors is an important responsibility of the procuratorial organ. The People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District practically strengthened its sense of responsibility and consciousness in carrying out the national judicial relief work for minors, and fully fulfilled the judicial responsibility of the case handling organ with the goal of refining the relief work, making the relief objects precise, and optimizing the relief effect.

Xiaogang is a minor. His mother died due to ineffective rescue in a traffic accident. Now he lives with his father Daqiang, but he and his family cannot obtain compensation for the traffic accident through litigation. After the Jinghu District People's Procuratorate received the case

Prosecutor's statement

The procuratorial organs firmly establish the concept of special protection and timely assistance. Minors who meet the conditions for assistance in specific cases shall be given special, priority and comprehensive protection according to their physical and mental characteristics and development needs. It is not only based on helping minors resume normal life and study, but also fully respects minors' legal rights such as personal dignity, reputation and privacy, so as to avoid "secondary harm".

Minors are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. There is no best way to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, only better. Jinghu District People's Procuratorate will rely on“ The mirror fails you ”Brand building, intensive work, integrity and innovation, focusing on the main responsibility, deepening the comprehensive performance of duties, doing a good job in every case involving minors with high quality and efficiency, strengthening the linkage and cooperation, gathering the joint efforts of many parties, doing a deep and practical two-way, comprehensive and comprehensive judicial protection for minors, and using responsibility and love to escort the growth of minors.