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The Procuratorate of Fanchang District held a special lecture on the rule of law to prevent campus bullying
Time: December 22, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Youth cannot be separated from campus, which is the cradle of countless teenagers' dreams, but campus bullying casts a shadow on it. In order to further create a good learning environment, prevent bullying on campus, and make youth no longer dusty, on the afternoon of December 21, Li Jingjing, a member of the Fanchang Branch of the flag reporting group of Wuhu Customs Working Committee, and an uninspected police officer of the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, who has "not yet blossomed in Wuhu • spring seedlings", went to Sun Village Central Primary School to carry out "law bless growth, not be dusty" for more than 40 students Lecture on Prevention of Bullying on Campus.

Li Jingjing talked about what campus bullying is, its harm, its cost, and how to deal with it in combination with specific cases, and conducted interactive Q&A on the spot. Through this lecture, the students have a further understanding of campus bullying, and have a deep understanding of the harmfulness and seriousness of campus bullying. At the same time, they have learned not to be the perpetrators and silencers of campus bullying, but to bravely reject campus bullying.

Interactive link

At the end of the lecture, Li Jingjing presented the posters of the compulsory reporting system to the students and gave them the pithy formula to prevent bullying.

In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District, Wuhu City will give full play to the youth escort role of the "spring seedlings" brand, earnestly perform its functions, continue to expand the scope of publicity, promote the deep integration of "six protections" with judicial protection, help the construction of a safe campus, and contribute procuratorial force to promote the high-quality development of the protection of minors of the new generation.

[Tips for Spring Seedlings]

As a student, you should keep calm, procrastinate, look for opportunities to ask for help from others, escape from the scene as soon as possible, inform teachers and parents in time after the event, solve problems rationally, seek legal protection when necessary, and remember not to be a bully, not a victim, nor a follower or a cold eyed bystander.

As parents, they should pay more attention to their children's emotional changes and friendship dynamics, and patiently ask and timely pacify them when they find their children have abnormal behaviors such as depression, physical injury, school weariness, truancy, insomnia and panic. After learning the truth, cooperate with teachers, schools or relevant departments to deal with it, and help children out of the haze of bullying.

Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 234 Whoever intentionally injures another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance. Whoever commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph and causes serious injury to another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years; Whoever causes death or serious injury to another person by especially cruel means and causes serious disability shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death. Where this Law provides otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

Article 246 Whoever publicly insults another person or fabricates facts to slander another person by violence or other means, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights. The crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be handled only upon complaint, with the exception of those seriously endangering public order and the interests of the State. When the victim commits the act specified in the first paragraph through the information network and tells the people's court, but it is really difficult to provide evidence, the people's court may request the public security organ to provide assistance.

Civil Code of the People's Republic of China

Article 110 A natural person shall enjoy the rights of life, body, health, name, portrait, reputation, honor, privacy, marriage autonomy, etc.
Legal persons and unincorporated organizations enjoy the right of name, reputation and honor.

Article 991 The right of personality of a civil subject is protected by law, and no organization or individual may infringe upon it.