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Procuratorial window
Jointly participate in the construction of safety, and the publicity of law popularization is popular
Time: November 22, 2023-1Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"Next, I officially announce the result of the treatment of minor Xiao Liang..."

Recently, the police of Yijiang District People's Procuratorate of Wuhu City performed the security construction scenario drama "Yi" Heart and "Wei" Love "at the sixth mass culture and art festival of Songyuan Community. Through the story of a minor suspect" Xiao Liang ", they vividly and vividly demonstrated to the masses:" To protect minors is to build security ".

The curtain of the performance came down, but the pace of rule of law propaganda did not stop. Since November, the procuratorate of Yijiang District has actively carried out the work of "all four members enter the village to live". The police have walked into all communities in six streets of the district, visited households from home, and actively carried out publicity on the rule of law, to solve problems, resolve disputes, and solve problems for the masses, so that the masses will always feel the warmth of the rule of law in the early winter.

"All four members" enter the village



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Safe construction warms people's hearts



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The procuratorial police carry out the rule of law propaganda in various ways in all streets of the district: they go into the community, explain the functions of the procuratorial organ to the masses, and show the procuratorial style; Walk into the merchant, understand the legal issues concerned by the operator, and answer them on the spot; Go into the market, carry out "anti smuggling" propaganda, and protect the business environment; In every household, they publicized the knowledge of the rule of law, such as the protection of minors and the prevention of telecom network fraud, which the masses cared about. They helped to resolve grass-roots conflicts with practical actions, so that everyone could feel the warmth of procuratorial work.

Popularizing the law and promoting people's wellbeing, procuratorial services are "zero distance", and the construction of safe Yijiang is always on the way.

The Procuratorate of Yijiang District will always take "serving the safe construction and warming the hearts of the people in the area under its jurisdiction" as its own responsibility, carry out the "four members are all equal" activity of entering the village through multiple channels, and carry out the publicity of law popularization through the distribution of publicity materials, production of publicity videos, performance of law popularization sitcoms and other popular ways, so as to enhance the people's awareness of the rule of law in the area under its jurisdiction and help resolve grass-roots conflicts and disputes, Contribute procuratorial force to the construction of safe Yijiang.