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From the land of the Yangtze Huaihe River to the snow covered plateau, four cadres from Anhui Province who helped Tibet bid farewell affectionately
Time: November 15, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On November 9, the Shannan Municipal People's Procuratorate of the Tibet Autonomous Region held a symposium on the work of aiding Tibet and the summary of the cadres of Anhui Province who helped Tibet at the end of the period.

At the meeting, the cadres of Anhui Province helping Tibet shared their thoughts, thoughts, feelings and insights during their stay in Tibet, summarized good experiences and practices during the period of helping Tibet, and thanked the party group of Shannan People's Procuratorate for their meticulous care and help in work and life. Entrusted by Liu Falin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Shannan Municipal People's Procuratorate, Li Lang, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Political Department of Shannan Municipal People's Procuratorate, on behalf of the Party Leadership Group of Shannan Municipal People's Procuratorate, fully affirmed the work of the four Tibetan aid cadres during their stay in Tibet and expressed heartfelt thanks.

It was pointed out at the meeting that for a long time, the procuratorial organs of Anhui Province have been strictly in accordance with the requirements of the highest procuratorial decision-making and deployment, coordinated and promoted the "six in one" procuratorial assistance work pattern, continued to pay close attention to the counterpart assistance work with heart and emotion, selected and assigned a number of cadres with firm political stance and excellent professional quality to assist Tibet Information technology, fund projects and other aspects have given great assistance to Shannan procuratorial organ, which has improved the work and team building level of Shannan procuratorial organ, and promoted the high-quality development of Shannan procuratorial work to a new level.

The meeting pointed out that although the half year aid to Tibet was short, Tibetan aid cadres overcame difficulties such as altitude reaction, actively participated in various cases, brought the advanced experience and law enforcement concepts of the mainland to Shannan, and forged a deep friendship between Anhui and Tibet with Shannan prosecutors. A trip to Tibet, a lifetime of Tibetan love. It is hoped that the four comrades will cherish the friendship of aiding Tibet, never forget Yalong's hometown, continue to carry forward the role of bridge and link, strengthen communication and coordination, take the experience of aiding Tibet as a rare treasure in life, publicize the effectiveness of Shannan's procuratorial work, and create a better atmosphere for the high-quality development of Shannan's procuratorial work.

Four cadres from Anhui Province helping Tibet share their experience


Wang Huan (Director of the Third Procuratorial Department and Senior Procurator at the Fourth Level of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province)

Assisting Tibet is an extraordinary experience, with great responsibility, and it is the glory of my life. Aid to Tibet is a test, a training, a feeling, and a great fortune in life. Tibet aid is both dedication and responsibility! It is experience, but also baptism. Plateau witnesses true feelings, and dedication interprets great love. The six-month Tibetan aid experience is like a blooming Gesang flower, engraved in the depths of my memory, forever lighting up my journey of life. Life, therefore, is wonderful.

Hu Hai (Director of the Second Procuratorial Department and First level Procurator of Jixi County Procuratorate, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province)

Everyone has a different Tibet in mind. For passers-by, the blue sky, white clouds, snow mountains and holy lakes are the deepest impression. For me, half a year of Shannan procuratorial counterpart assistance left the deepest impression of understanding that there is no lack of spirit in plateau hypoxia, and cadres in Tibet are not demanding. Experience helped me grow in Tibet, broaden my vision and temper my will. Life is more wonderful because of Tibet, and life is stronger because of Tibet. I offer the plateau a love, and the plateau gives me thousands of feelings. I hope that the snow covered plateau with Gesang flowers and the Yangtze Huaihe River thousands of miles away will be the origin of Tibet aid work and bear fruitful friendship.

Zhu Yanyan (Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Guichi District, Chizhou City, Anhui Province, member of the Procuratorate Committee, and first level prosecutor)

In May 2023, shouldering the lofty mission of assisting Tibetan procuratorial police, we set foot on the snowy plateau and came to Shannan City, Tibet Autonomous Region. The lofty mountains, blue sky and white clouds are what I expected to be in Shannan. But when I really set foot on this land, the anoxic environment on the plateau and the difference in eating habits did not affect my enthusiasm for Tibet aid work. I always take "spirit without oxygen" as my motto and devote myself to work and study with full enthusiasm. In the short time of helping Tibet, I sincerely thank the party group and colleagues of Shannan Municipal People's Hospital for their care and love for me during my stay in Tibet, help me solve the difficulties in life, and teach me how to overcome the "plateau", so that I can work with peace of mind. The thick true feelings diluted the sadness of leaving home. This experience is also a valuable asset in my life, and I will remember it all my life.

Fang Xu (Assistant Procurator of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Yixiu District, Anqing City, Anhui Province)

Half a year's aid to Tibet has passed like a flash of time. I am very moved by the people who stick to the snow covered plateau. I am very grateful for the love here. This special and rare experience makes me especially grateful. The leading colleagues of Shannan Municipal People's Hospital and the Tibetan compatriots whom I had the honor to meet made me feel the warmth of trust. The blue sky, white clouds and beautiful measures I met during my stay in Tibet and the vast territory made me feel the power of faith. I saw the enthusiasm, simple and valuable qualities of comrades, and deeply felt the feelings of giving up my family for everyone, selfless work, selfless dedication and perseverance The positive, optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life and work spirit have also become more aware of the profound meaning of the phrase "absolute loyalty to the Party and absolute responsibility to the people". In the future, I will be more enthusiastic in my work and have an inspiring work style. I will be vigorous and persistent, and contribute to the high-quality development of procuratorial work.