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The procuratorate of Sanshan Economic and Technological Development Zone carried out investigation and discussion on procuratorial and legal cooperation to explore and protect lawyers' right to practice
Time: November 9, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, strengthen procuratorial cooperation, and promote the protection of lawyers' right to practice, Tang Wei, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone, Wuhu City, and his delegation recently went to Anhui Chengyi Law Firm to carry out research and discussion activities. He Tingting, Executive Director of Chengyi Law Firm, Yu Mingjuan, Secretary of the Party Branch, Zhang Chengmai, Director of the Criminal Legal Affairs Department, Ma Shengchen, a practicing lawyer and others attended the forum.

Tang Wei first introduced the relevant work carried out by the People's Procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone in recent years to the participants, and said that lawyers are an important part of judicial case handling activities. Prosecutors and lawyers belong to the legal professional community, and there is no difference in their performance goals and value pursuit. It is necessary to strengthen regular exchanges between prosecutors, It helps to solve the problems and difficulties encountered by lawyers in their practice in a timely manner.

During the forum, the prosecutors and lawyers actively discussed how to better protect lawyers' right to practice, lawyers' Internet reading, the implementation of the system of confession and punishment, and in-depth exchanges around how to promote the communication between the lawyer industry and the procuratorial organ, and explore a new model of procuratorial exchange and cooperation.

Tang Wei said that he hoped that when lawyers have good opinions and suggestions during their practice, they should communicate with the procuratorate in a timely manner, jointly safeguard judicial justice, promote the construction of legal professional community, and work together to explore a new mode of in-depth exchanges between prosecutors and the law, so as to contribute to the building of a safe and rule of law.