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[Year of Capacity Improvement] Strengthen the Foundation, Cast the Soul, Promote the Work by Learning -- The People's Procuratorate of Yijiang District will carry out political rotation training in 2023
Time: October 31, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Strong foundation casting soul, learning to promote work

Political rotation training

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the requirements of the special action plan of "Year of Capacity Improvement · Endeavour 2023", strengthen the political construction of procuratorial organs, improve the political judgment, political understanding and political execution of procuratorial officers, and forge a loyal and clean procuratorial army for the new era, October 25-27, 2023, The People's Procuratorate of Yijiang District, Wuhu City organized a three-day political rotation training with the participation of all procuratorial officers.


Special Party Lesson

courtyard Chen Mei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General, delivered a mobilization speech, pointing out that we should deeply understand the importance of carrying out political rotation training, and put forward several requirements to urge all cadres The police should take this political rotation training as an opportunity to further consolidate the education of the procuratorial team Rectify the achievements, further improve personal ability and quality, and further solidly promote procuratorial work.
After the mobilization meeting, Chen Meiyi Deeply Practising Xi Jinping's Thought of Rule of Law and Promoting the High Quality Development of Procuratorial Work in Yijiang The theme is to teach special Party courses for the police in the hospital.

Special lecture


Interpretation of the Regulations on Political and Legal Work of the Communist Party of China

On the morning of October 25, Yu Tianshou, member of the Political and Legal Committee of the Wuhu Municipal Committee and director of the Political Department Learning Regulations and Using Regulations to Write a New Chapter of Modernization of Political and Legal Work in Wuhu The topic is to make a systematic and in-depth interpretation from the background and formulation process, framework structure, general provisions and main contents of the "Regulations on the Political and Legal Work of the Communist Party of China". Proceeding from reality, the theory is integrated with practice, with rich content, prominent focus, profound views, and strong ideological, guiding, targeted and practical.


Practical understanding of digital procuratorial work

On the afternoon of October 25, Chen Yuanyi, Director of the Office of Wuhu Procuratorate《 Practical understanding of digital procuratorial work 》The topic, combined with practical work, is rich in content, vivid and specific, which includes objective and rational analysis as well as specific and vivid case analysis from four aspects: the proposal and development of digital China, the development context and top-level design of digital procuratorial strategy, the digital procuratorial work of Anhui Province, and suggestions on digital procuratorial work, It provides guidance for the hospital on how to promote digital procuratorial work and how to build a legal supervision model for procuratorial big data in the next step.


Deep understanding

Xi Jinping Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

thought Of World outlook and methodology

On the morning of October 26, Dai Zhaoguo, professor and doctoral supervisor of the College of Marxism of Anhui Normal University《 Deeply understand Xi Jinping's world outlook and methodology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era 》Focusing on the content of Chapter 19 of Xi Jinping's Outline for Learning Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era (2023 Edition Adhere to the eight levels of thinking about the world, guide the officers and police of the hospital to combine their practical work, adhere to the unity of learning, thinking and practice, systematically grasp the world outlook, methodology, and positions, views and methods of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and work together to build a solid foundation of trust, supplement the calcium of spirit, and stabilize the rudder of thought


Self confidence and self-improvement, integrity and innovation, high efficiency and perseverance

——Interpretation of the core points of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

On the afternoon of October 26, Zhang Xinyi, associate professor of Anhui Normal University and member of Wuhu Youth Lecturer Group《 Confident and Self strengthening, Honest and Innovative, Vigorous and Brave -- Interpretation of the core points of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China 》Focusing on the main contents of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we conducted in-depth interpretation from the aspects of basic information, research perspective, theme and core points. The lectures were wonderful in content and rich in form, enhancing the in-depth understanding of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) by the police in the hospital.

Red education

Reviewing the oath of joining the Party

On the morning of October 27, the police of the hospital went to Zhongfen Village, Fanchang District to visit Former site of the Third Detachment Headquarters of the New Fourth Army Under the guidance of the commentator, visit the former site of the Third Detachment Headquarters of the New Fourth Army and the exhibition hall of Fanchang Defense War, admire the historical photos and materials, and carefully listen to the vivid explanation of the commentator. At the end of the visit, all Party members held their right fists high in front of the party flag outside the old site of the Third Detachment Headquarters of the New Fourth Army, swore a solemn oath again, and made a forceful vow to express their firm determination to follow the Party forever, and strengthen their ideal and belief of never forgetting their original intention and remembering their mission.

Learn and think

In the afternoon of October 27, all party groups held a learning, discussion and exchange meeting. During the exchange and discussion, the procuratorial police have said that the three-day political rotation training is fruitful and the curriculum is rich and practical. They will take this political rotation training as an opportunity to practically apply what they have learned, integrate knowledge with practice, consciously transform the learning achievements into a strong driving force for performing their duties and taking practical actions, and actively contribute to the high-quality development of Yijiang's procuratorial work in the new era.