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[Capacity Improvement Year] The delegation led by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Wangui District investigated the implementation of the mechanism of convergence and transformation between the suggestions of NPC deputies and the suggestions of public interest litigation procurators
Time: October 30, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), promote the joint efforts of NPC supervision and procuratorial supervision, effectively ensure the implementation of the transition mechanism between NPC deputies' suggestions and public interest litigation procuratorial suggestions, and promote the effective solution of the people's "urgent problems". On October 26, Yuan Xiaowu, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Wangui District, Wuhu City, and his delegation came to the Wangui District Procuratorate to investigate the implementation of the mechanism for linking and transforming the suggestions of deputies to the People's Congress and the suggestions of public interest litigation, and held a forum. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Zhenglin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of Wangui District Procuratorate.

At the meeting, Peng Yongbiao, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Wanpeng District Procuratorate, made a special report on the basic situation of the connection and transformation of the NPC deputies' suggestions and the public interest litigation procuratorial suggestions, and introduced in detail the main practices and achievements of the court since the establishment of the mechanism, as well as the existing problems and the next work plan.

Jia Ling, vice chairman of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the District People's Congress, director of the Supervision and Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Ji Jiayuan, vice chairman of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the District People's Congress, affirmed the achievements of the Wanpeng District People's Court in focusing on the concerns of the masses and promoting the implementation of the convergence and transformation mechanism from point to area.

Yuan Xiaowu, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, said that since the establishment of the mechanism last year, good results have been achieved in terms of the data of representatives' suggestions transformed into public interest litigation procuratorial suggestions and case handling and work performance. In the future, the District Procuratorate will work with the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress to jointly promote the transformation of procuratorial suggestions into representative suggestions, deepen and implement the transition mechanism, and form a joint force of supervision.