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look out! Big "cheat" crabs fall from the sky
Time: October 10, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On October 7,

"An actor said he was suspected of being cheated by a new crab card“

Cause hot debate.

Netizens commented that
"I received it too!"

"Thanks for reminding! Hope more people see"


Logistic express delivery extending in all directions

It has brought people fast and convenient,

But at the same time,

Send and receive express cause

Risk of personal information disclosure

It is also common.

how Protect personal information?

It has become a matter of great concern to everyone!

Case introduction

Recently, Ms. Zhou, a Shanghai citizen, also received an unknown express, but no one answered the phone call on the express bill. Open the express, and there is a hairy crab exchange card and a letter calling itself a shopping platform. The letter said: In order to give users a hairy crab exchange card as a reward, you can scan the code online to pick up goods. After Ms. Zhou scanned the code, a customer service window appeared, and the customer service sent her a QR code to scan the code into the chat group. Ms. Zhou asked where the other party got her information in the chat group, but she was directly kicked out of the group chat. Ms. Zhou is undoubtedly a little lucky, but not everyone can have such good luck. What Ms. Zhou encountered was a part-time order swiping scam. In the past, criminals directly released fake part-time information such as likes and order swiping through short videos, adding social accounts, and grabbing red envelopes. They used to attract target groups under the banner of "high salary and ease" and then commit fraud.

In the new scam, Large scale delivery by criminals
Hairy crab exchange card, wet towel, mobile phone holder, etc,
In order to accept the award,
Guide the victim to scan the code and enter the group, and then implement the swiping fraud.
The netizen asked:

So, how should we protect citizens' personal information?

How to protect personal information Dry goods sharing~

1. Refuse to force personalized advertising!

According to Article 24 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Information push and commercial marketing to individuals through automated decision-making should also provide options that are not specific to their personal characteristics, or provide convenient means of rejection to individuals.

When making decisions that have a significant impact on personal rights and interests through automated decision-making, individuals have the right to ask personal information processors to explain, and have the right to refuse personal information processors to make decisions only through automated decision-making.

2. Do not collect personal information excessively!

According to the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Article 6 The processing of personal information shall have a clear and reasonable purpose, be directly related to the processing purpose, and adopt the method that has the least impact on personal rights and interests.
The collection of personal information shall be limited to the minimum scope for the purpose of processing, and shall not be excessive.

Article 10 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China No organization or individual may illegally collect, use, process or transmit the personal information of others, or illegally trade, provide or disclose the personal information of others; They shall not engage in personal information processing activities that endanger national security and public interests.

3. "Big data killing" is prohibited!

According to Article 24 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China When personal information processors use personal information to make automated decisions, they should ensure the transparency of the decisions and the fairness and impartiality of the results. They should not apply unreasonable differential treatment to individuals on transaction terms such as transaction prices.

4. Handle sensitive personal information carefully!

According to Article 28 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Sensitive personal information refers to personal information that, once disclosed or illegally used, is likely to cause the human dignity of a natural person to be violated or personal and property safety to be jeopardized, including biometrics, religious beliefs, specific identity, medical health, financial accounts, whereabouts and other information, as well as personal information of minors under the age of 14.
The personal information processor can only process sensitive personal information if it has a specific purpose and sufficient necessity and takes strict protection measures.

Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China The handling of sensitive personal information shall be subject to the individual's separate consent; Where laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the handling of sensitive personal information requires written consent, such provisions shall prevail.

In addition to relying on the law to protect citizens' personal information security
We also need to put a "security lock" on our information security
So, how to effectively prevent personal information leakage?

The prosecutor reminds you:

zero one

Do not easily click on links with unknown sources, and do not fill in personal information in unfamiliar links. For suspicious links, it is recommended to call the official customer service of the sending unit for verification;

zero two

Do not install APP from unknown sources. When authorizing the use of APP, read the service agreement, privacy policy and other authorization contents carefully, and close unnecessary use rights in a timely manner;

zero three

Avoid using free WIFI in public places to complete electronic payment;

zero four

Improve password strength, change passwords regularly, and use names, birthdays and other information carefully as passwords;

zero five

Properly dispose of express bill, ticket, shopping receipt and other documents containing personal information;

zero six

When personal information is infringed, keep evidence in time and use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

No pie or crab will fall from the sky,
I received the crab card inexplicably,
Or any other "gift" of unknown origin,
Be careful!
Don't scan the code! Don't scan the code!
Be careful!