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[Theme education] Jinghu District Procuratorate held a mobilization meeting on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era
Time: September 20, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

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On the afternoon of September 18, the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City held an education mobilization meeting on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Li Guangju, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General, made a mobilization speech, Dai Xiangjun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General, presided over the meeting, and all police officers attended the meeting.

▲ Conference site

The meeting conveyed the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches on theme education and the spirit of the central, provincial, municipal and district party committees' conferences on theme education.

It was noted that It is a major decision made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to carry out in-depth education on the theme of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era throughout the Party, and a major deployment to further advance the new great project of building the Party for a new era. We should take thematic education as an opportunity to focus on“ Learn ideas, strengthen Party spirit, emphasize practice, and build new achievements ”And fully implement“ Learn to shape the soul, increase the intelligence, rectify the style and promote the work ”We should make great efforts to promote the study and implementation of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The strict spirit and practical style should run through the whole process of the theme education, create a good political ecology of clean and upright style and entrepreneurship, and see action and effectiveness in polishing the background of loyalty.

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The meeting emphasized We should fully and accurately grasp the goals and requirements of this theme education.

The first is to persist in learning. We should pay close attention to theoretical study at a high standard, adhere to the principle of understanding the original by reading the original works, comprehensively learn and understand the scientific system, core essence and practical requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and achieve an overall grasp and mastery.

Second, do a good job of investigation and research. In combination with the great learning, discussion and research work of "great emancipation of mind, great optimization of environment, great improvement of ability, great change of style, and great implementation of tasks", we firmly grasp the five key words of "deep, practical, detailed, accurate, and effective", firmly grasp the difficulties, pain points, and obstacles of procuratorial business, and truly transform the research results into practical measures to improve work and promote the development of procuratorial work.

The third is to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work. Consciously stay in the overall situation to plan and promote various work. With the spirit of "striving for the advanced and creating the first-class", we will strive to promote the modernization of judicial concepts, the modernization of the way of performing duties, the modernization of procuratorial management, and the modernization of supervision ability, and earnestly shoulder the responsibility and mission of procuratorial organs and procuratorial personnel in the new era and new journey "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and assuming the rule of law".

The fourth is to ensure that inspection and rectification are realistic and pragmatic. Insist on carrying forward the self revolutionary spirit of "cutting edge inward", combine "reform at the moment" with "long-term establishment", insist on learning, comparing, inspecting, and rectifying at the same time, and put problem rectification throughout the theme education, so as to solve outstanding problems with real and hard work.

▲ Conference site

The meeting required that the political responsibility should be tightened, the "top leaders" should take the lead, the team members should conscientiously perform "one post, two responsibilities", and the above should lead and strengthen supervision and guidance. We should combine thematic education with the implementation of the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee, so as to achieve two pronged efforts and two promotions. We need to deepen the performance of duties, put the effectiveness of theme education on the performance of duties, and handle every case with high quality and efficiency. We should do a good job of publicity and guidance, create a strong atmosphere, and stimulate vitality and new power through theme education.