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"Two leaders" carry out work consultation to promote substantive operation of investigation supervision and cooperation office
Time: September 14, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to implement the spirit of the municipal criminal procuratorial work conference and further promote the substantive operation of the investigation supervision and cooperation mechanism, Effectively build a criminal accusation system with evidence as the core, Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District and the Public Security Branch of Jiujiang District of Wuhu City held a conference on investigation supervision and cooperation. Wang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the District Procuratorate, Gao Wengen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the District Public Security Branch, attended the conference. Relevant personnel from the District Procuratorate and the District Public Security Branch attended the conference.

At the meeting, The two sides reported the spirit of the city's criminal procuratorial work conference and the work carried out since the establishment of the investigation supervision and cooperation mechanism, fully affirmed the achievements of the investigation supervision and cooperation office, and handled a series of major difficult and complex cases with high quality and efficiency in the next step, organized and coordinated the transfer of cases to review, arrest, review and prosecution, further strengthened the management of misdemeanors Discussion on promoting the separation of simple and complex, unifying law enforcement standards and other aspects.

The meeting proposed that, Both sides should further deepen understanding, build consensus, and promote the establishment of a benign and interactive relationship between prosecutors and police. Adhere to the principle of "trial as the center", strengthen supervision and restriction with cooperation, promote cooperation with supervision and restriction, build a criminal accusation system with evidence as the core, and seek to "handle each case with high quality and efficiency" from the perspective of win-win, multi win and win-win.