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[Escort Season] Inaction: the first lesson of "French", take you to the one-stop clock in court and procuratorate
Time: September 6, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
On September 4, Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate and Wuwei Municipal People's Court jointly organized an open day activity. The first lesson of "French style" was held in the beginning of the school season, and students were led to the one-stop clock in court and procuratorate.

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Post station not checked by the Punch in Procuratorate

Immersive experience of minor protection

1. Interactive knowledge Q&A

”Do you know what the functions of the procuratorate are? "What are the bad behaviors of minors stipulated in the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency?" "What are the six major protections in the Law on the Protection of Minors?"? "Which student can tell us what the relationship between home and country is?" On the scene, the prosecutor led the students to understand modern legal norms and traditional moral requirements through a series of questions and answers.

2. Immersive experience

Students experience earthquake safety escape, campus safety, fire safety, etc. through the egg shadow experience machine, and learn safety education tips. Watch animation videos and participate in interactive knowledge Q&A on the interactive learning machine to learn how to prevent campus bullying and the types and hazards of drugs. Through VR experience machine immersive experience of intentional injury simulation trial, feel the dignity of the law, and cultivate students' good legal awareness of knowing and abiding by the law. Improve children's self-care awareness and ability through VR experience of preventive infringement.

3. Full harvest

Students wrote down the experience and understanding of this activity on the message wall of the rule of law education base.

Punch Court Court
Take you to feel the majesty of the law and the solemnity of the trial

1. Litigation Service Center

On site explanation of the scope of accepting cases, the process of filing cases, and how to operate the self-service functional equipment of the filing window, guide students to learn to protect their rights and interests with the law, and let students feel the convenient litigation services brought by the construction of smart courts.

2. Criminal Court

The judge explained to the students one by one the trial process of criminal cases, the responsibilities of the public prosecutor in the trial, and the functions of the judge. Later, the students turned into small judges to simulate the court session, and experienced the solemnity and sanctity of the court.

3. Family trial court

The round table trial reflects the judicial humanistic care for minors.

This open day activity jointly carried out by the judicial and procuratorial organs is a special "French" first lesson for students, so that they can feel the all-round and comprehensive protection of minors by the state. It is hoped that through this activity, students will be able to consciously learn, abide by, understand and use the law, cultivate good legal thinking, and protect their legitimate rights and interests with the law.