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[Escort season] Yijiang District Procuratorate launched the activity of "rule of law into community" - the first lesson of fraud prevention at the beginning of school
Time: September 1, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to solidly carry out special actions such as "Year of Ability Improvement, Endeavour 2023, Guard the Family of Yi" and "All the Four" into the community, further improve the students' ability to detect, prevent and reject fraud. On the morning of August 29, the police of the Yijiang District Procuratorate's "Yi" Heart "and" Wei "Love Publicity Mission went to Songyuan Community, Matang Street, to offer the first fraud prevention lesson to students who were about to enter the university campus.

Opening season

In combination with real cases, the procuratorial police analyzed the common scams in college students' campus life, such as dormitory marketing, rebate for scalping, part-time fraud, campus loans, impersonating relatives and friends, and taught them how to prevent fraud and strengthen students' understanding of various fraud means. At the same time, students are warned not only to improve their anti fraud ability, but also to publicize anti fraud knowledge to their families and friends, so as to prevent family members from being used by criminals and becoming victims of fraud cases. They should work with their families to build a "firewall" against family fraud and guard the family's "money bag".

In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Yijiang District will strengthen communication and cooperation with colleges and universities in the area under its jurisdiction, make anti fraud propaganda by making publicity videos, distributing law popularization manuals, carrying out rule of law classes and other forms, and further intensify the fight against telecommunications network fraud, so as to contribute procuratorial force to safeguarding the property safety of the people.