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Implement, break through, unite and promote development -- The procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone conveys and learns the spirit of the procurator general forum of the whole city
Time: August 22, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On August 15, the Procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone in Wuhu City held a sub party group (enlarged) meeting to convey and study the spirit of the city's procurator general forum and plan the next step. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Sidong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Academy, and attended by leaders of the Academy, middle-level cadres and post prosecutors.

At the meeting, we first learned the spirit of documents such as the speech of Procurator Ying Yong at the seminar for grand procurators and the speech of Procurator Chen Wu at the forum for provincial procurators, and conveyed the spirit of the speech of Zhao Haoping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal People's Court and Procurator General of the Municipal People's Court, at the forum for municipal procurators, and the key points of comments made by the leading group members of the Municipal People's Court. Zhang Sidong put forward specific requirements on the implementation of the spirit of the procurator general forum in the city in combination with the actual work.

The meeting pointed out that we should carefully study and implement the spirit of the relevant meetings of the superior court, carefully study and implement how to handle the "four relationships" of procuratorial work proposed by Attorney General Zhao Haoping, timely summarize the shortcomings, actively plan practical measures, and promote further improvement of the quality and efficiency of procuratorial work in the second half of the year.

Meeting requirements

zero one

Practically adhere to political leadership

Adhere to political leadership and theoretical guidance, and constantly deepen the practice of procuratorial reform under the guidance of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought with a high degree of political consciousness, rule of law consciousness, and procuratorial consciousness. To further strengthen all procuratorial work, we should first "look from the political perspective", and integrate the enhancement of "four consciousness", the firmness of "four self-confidence", and the realization of "two safeguards" into the whole process and all links of procuratorial performance.

zero two

Effectively improve work quality and efficiency

We should strengthen the rule of law thinking, take a higher position, a larger pattern and more powerful measures, implement the new deployment and new requirements, and constantly consolidate the foundation of Sanshan's procuratorial business. Give play to subjective initiative, focus on business indicators, and eliminate gaps and weaknesses to the maximum extent. Adhere to the principle of "speaking with data", and make all business data become the "baton" and "vane" to effectively improve the quality and efficiency of handling cases.

zero three

Practically strengthen the construction of energy

We will focus on building the quality of the team, comprehensively improve the professional knowledge, ability, style and spirit of prosecutors, and save energy for the sustainable development of Sanshan's procuratorial modernization. Promote talent cultivation with brand creation as the starting point, and show the prosecutorial style of Sanshan with characteristic highlights as the window.

zero four

Effectively change work style

Take patrol rectification as an opportunity to promote improvement and construction. Always keep in mind the two "always on the road", always maintain the tenacity and firmness of comprehensively and strictly governing the party "always blowing the bugle of charge", compact the main responsibility, strengthen supervision and restriction, and constantly lead to the deepening of comprehensively and strictly governing the party and comprehensively strict inspection.