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Thank you for the eventful years - Fanchang District Procuratorate held a forum on the glorious retirement of procuratorial police
Time: July 25, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of July 21, the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District, Wuhu City held a forum on the honorable retirement of procuratorial policemen to send off Wang Lin and Zhu Liqing from the First Procuratorial Department.

Retirement is an important turning point on the road of life and a new starting point for old comrades. At the symposium, the police representatives recalled the little things they got along with the two retired comrades and sent sincere wishes. The young police officers presented flowers to the two retired comrades. The two old comrades reviewed their experience of inspection, shared their life insights, and expressed their reluctance to leave their units and colleagues.

At the symposium, the Secretary of the CPC Leading Group and the Procurator General thanked the CPC Leading Group of the People's Court on behalf of the People's Court and expressed their thanks and blessings to the veteran comrades. They hoped that the two comrades would "go home" to see and continue to care for and support the development of the prosperous procuratorial cause while living a rich retirement life.

Once the procurator, his whole life was full of procuratorial feelings. The time passed quietly like a fleeting white horse, and dozens of years of extraordinary years from procuratorial work were vividly remembered. The simple but warm ceremony not only expresses the feeling of farewell to retired comrades, but also encourages and inherits young policemen. In the future, the Procuratorate of Fanchang District will, as always, pay close attention to the retired cadre group and do its best to provide services and guarantee for retired cadres.