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Prosecutors and police jointly build a "one-stop" case handling center to warm the injured heart
Time: July 25, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to implement the principle of maximizing the interests of children, implement the special judicial protection of minors, and better protect and rescue juvenile victims, especially victims of sexual assault cases, the People's Procuratorate of Wangui District, Wuhu City, in conjunction with Wangui Branch of Wuhu Public Security Bureau, has built the first joint venture between prosecutors and police in Wuhu City "Dandelion Studio" one-stop case handling center.


Warm decoration

The one-stop case handling center adopts a warm and soft decoration style. It is equipped with a physical examination room, a psychological consultation room and an inquiry room. It is equipped with sofa, sand table, books, toys and other items. It is equipped with concealed full process synchronous recording and video equipment to simulate the home environment and create a relaxed and safe atmosphere, It enables the juvenile victims who are being questioned to state the process of being infringed relatively easily and completely in the investigation stage, ensures that the verbal evidence of the victims can be collected in place at one time, and avoids "secondary injury" caused by repeated questioning.


Personnel specialty

We will establish a mechanism for specially assigned persons to handle criminal cases involving minors, and make it clear that the procuratorial organs and public security organs are responsible for handling criminal cases involving minors by specialized agencies and personnel, which should include female staff. The police who are experienced in handling cases and familiar with the physical and mental characteristics of minors shall be selected preferentially, and they shall use the language and expression scheme that minors can understand to participate in case handling.


"One stop" evidence collection

Jointly signed with the District Public Security, Civil Affairs, Women's Federation, Youth League Committee and Health Commission the "one-stop" inquiry method for minors and the "one-stop" evidence collection and rescue mechanism for criminal cases of sexual assault on minors (trial). Make a list of questions to ask victims and a list of special systems for minors in criminal cases, standardize the evidence collection process, and use the early intervention mechanism to ensure that a single inquiry can fully and accurately grasp the facts of the case.


Comprehensive rescue

Give full play to the role of the Minor Protection Alliance, Docking Wanpeng District General Hospital, equipped with professional doctors, opened a green medical channel, and provided timely medical assistance to victims of violations; Docking Psychological counseling institutions are equipped with psychological consultants to conduct psychological assessment and counseling for minor victims and repair the injured mind; Docking The District Education, Civil Affairs, Women's Federation, Youth League and District Committee and Health Commission provide necessary investigation and assessment, economic assistance, transfer placement, employment assistance and other protective measures for the infringed minors and their families, so as to achieve "one click" comprehensive assistance.


Stereoscopic prevention

Build a one-stop prevention system, adopt We will crack down on crimes against minors, especially sexual offenders, and build legal barriers to deter them; adopt Educate criminals in the rule of law and correct their psychology and behavior to reduce the possibility of reoffending; adopt Publicize and implement the compulsory reporting system, find clues of crimes against minors, and illuminate the "hidden corner"; adopt Send the law to schools and communities to carry out self-care education, and improve the self-protection awareness of minors, especially young girls; adopt Joint inspection of hotels, KTVs, Internet cafes and bars and legal supervision of illegal operations are carried out to form joint law enforcement efforts and implement comprehensive social governance.

Since this year, the People's Procuratorate of Wangui District, Wuhu City has intervened in 9 cases of crimes against minors in advance, carried out psychological counseling 7 times, parent education 12 times, help education 7 times, legal publicity 118 times, issued RMB 6000 for judicial assistance, and issued 5 procuratorial recommendations, all of which were accepted. Wuhu Wangui District People's Procuratorate will make full use of the "Dandelion" one-stop case handling center to quickly and severely punish crimes against minors, and protect and rescue juvenile victims to the maximum extent.