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Building brand and improving quality - Wandang District Procuratorate held a promotion meeting on procuratorial brand creation
Time: July 11, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Wanpeng District, Wuhu City held a conference to promote the establishment of the procuratorial brand of "building brands and improving quality". Xu Lei, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhu City, presided over the conference and delivered a speech. Leaders in charge of the People's Procuratorate and heads of various departments attended the conference.

Since the establishment of "one department and one brand", each department has taken "building craftsman spirit and creating quality inspection" as the goal, excavated work highlights and cultivated work boutiques. At the meeting, the heads of all departments reported that since this year“ Dandelion ”“ Inspect and protect private enterprises ”“ Five core Party building ”We analyzed the existing problems and shortcomings, and formulated the next step of building work tasks and specific promotion measures.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to carefully study and implement the requirements of the institute's brand building work plan, and do a good job in brand building in combination with the actual situation; We should fully listen to the opinions and guidance of the superior court, and promote the brand building work and various procuratorial work to promote each other; We should increase publicity and report, and create a good atmosphere for brand building.

Finally, Xu Lei summarized the brand building work. Since this year, the brand creation and maintenance of each department has made substantial progress, and has built a brand matrix for the Bay 沚 inspection, which has played a leading role in the expansion of various businesses. The ultimate purpose of brand creation is to improve the supervision quality and efficiency of the inspection work, and put forward five requirements for the next step of work:

1、 Focus on the central work and serve the overall development with brand building

It is necessary to focus on the work of the district party committee and the superior court center, take the cultivation and creation of brand highlights as an important starting point to promote the quality and efficiency of the Bay Area's procuratorial work, expand ideas and in-depth planning, and enhance and expand the influence of Bay Area's procuratorial work through the cultivation and creation of brand highlights.

2、 Focusing on people first, improving people's satisfaction with brand building

We should constantly enhance the attractiveness, affinity and charisma of the procuratorial brand, integrate procuratorial performance into all dimensions of people's livelihood, economic and social development, take people's sense of gain as the judgment standard, and put people first into every judicial case and agglomerate it into every procuratorial brand.

3、 Focus on monitoring quality and efficiency, and build high-quality cases with brand construction

Innovate the cultivation mode of high-quality cases, constantly improve the quality and efficiency of supervision of procuratorial work, focus on creating work brands such as "dandelion", "bay, inspection and common green", "inspection and love and run people", implement the dual leadership of "model, brand", and achieve brand bright inspection.

4、 Focus on team management and forge an iron procuratorial force with brand construction

We should further deepen the implementation of the training program of "young talents", make good use of the exchange platform of "Wandangjianyuan", strengthen the inspection of talents, train police officers through brand building and cultivating typical cases, and promote the unity of political, social and legal effects in the performance of duties and handling of cases by starting with quality cases and typical cases.

5、 Focusing on the procuratorial culture, shaping the procuratorial details of the Bay by brand construction

Efforts should be made to promote the brand building of procuratorial culture. Centering on the procuratorial concept, supervision quality and efficiency, team building, people first and other aspects, brand building should be used to shape the procuratorial heritage of the Bay Area, and the procuratorial cultural brand should be used to stimulate endogenous power, improve the efficiency of the Bay Area procuratorial work, and enhance the centripetal force and cohesion of the procuratorial culture.