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[Year of Capacity Improvement] Wangui District Procuratorate sent prosecutors to enterprises to carry out 100 day experience and practice
Time: July 6, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to deeply understand the production and operation of enterprises and accurately meet the needs of enterprises for the rule of law, according to the requirements of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, with the care and support of the Administrative Committee of Anhui Xinwu Economic Development Zone, the Procuratorate of Wanpeng District, Wuhu City recently sent the prosecutor He Shidong to Wuhu Guangquan Technology Lighting Co., Ltd. to carry out the practice activity of "prosecutors enter the enterprise for a hundred days to understand", Help to create a first-class legal business environment.

Wuhu Guangquan Technology Lighting Co., Ltd., located in Anhui Xinwu Economic Development Zone, is a small and micro enterprise dedicated to the manufacturing and sales of lighting fixtures, household appliances, lighting accessories and mechanical accessories. "Thanks to Wuhu Guangquan Technology Lighting Co., Ltd. for providing the platform and support for this practice, we will base on the procuratorial function, make suggestions and suggestions in enterprise compliance construction, risk prevention and control, law popularization education and other aspects, and do our best to serve and ensure the high-quality development of enterprises." At the docking meeting, Xing Yifa, a member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department of the Academy, sincerely said. Both parties also discussed the details of the event.

In the practical activities, He Shidong, the prosecutor of the enterprise, took the initiative to participate in the relevant work of the enterprise, learned about the business situation of the enterprise, as well as the legal work in engineering expansion, property rights protection and other aspects through research, matched the actual needs of the enterprise, and provided professional legal advice in contract performance, work-related injury insurance, the provincial minimum wage standard and other areas prone to legal disputes, Help improve the enterprise operation system. "At this stage, we are in need of 'immersion' guidance from legal organs such as the procuratorate, and the enterprise prosecutors have provided us with very professional guidance and support." Yang Lizhen, chairman of Wuhu Guangquan Technology Lighting Co., Ltd., hopes to take this opportunity to improve the legal literacy of enterprises and properly handle various legal affairs.

The practical activity of "prosecutors entering enterprises for a hundred days to understand" is an innovative measure for prosecutors to serve private enterprises. The People's Procuratorate will take this practical activity as an opportunity to fully understand the legal problems encountered by enterprises in the process of production, operation and development, strive to provide more accurate and high-quality judicial services and "procuratorial programs", take practical actions to ensure the high-quality development of enterprises, and contribute procuratorial power to further optimize the business environment of the Bay Area.