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[Capacity Improvement Year] Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate actively performs its duties to ensure the implementation of the Community Correction Law
Time: July 4, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On July 1, 2020, the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China were officially implemented.

What is community correction?

Community correction refers to the non imprisonment of criminals sentenced to public surveillance, announced probation, parole, and temporarily executed outside prison, which shall be corrected by community correction organs according to law.

What is the procuratorial supervision of community correction?

The People's Procuratorate implements legal supervision on community correction work, mainly conducts procuratorial supervision on various management activities of community correction organs in the process of community correction management, and timely puts forward supervision opinions on violations of legal provisions in community correction work to ensure that community correction work is carried out according to law.

Responsibilities of the People's Procuratorate for community correction:

Article 6 of the Measures for the Implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China, the People's Procuratorate shall perform the following duties according to law:

(1) To exercise legal supervision over the investigation and evaluation activities of community correction decision making organs, community correction institutions or relevant social organizations;

(2) To exercise legal supervision over the community correction decision making organs that impose public surveillance, announce probation, order parole, decide or approve temporary execution outside prison;

(3) To exercise legal supervision over the delivery and implementation of community correction legal documents and community correction objects;

(4) Carry out legal supervision over the activities of supervision, management, education and assistance to community correction objects;

(5) To exercise legal supervision over the activities of changing criminal execution, lifting corrections and terminating corrections;

(6) Accepting appeals, complaints and reports, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of community correction objects;

(7) According to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the cases directly accepted by the judicial staff can be filed for investigation if they are found to have committed duty related crimes during the legal supervision of community corrections;

(8) Other duties that should be performed according to law.

Since the implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China three years ago, Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate has strictly performed its legal supervision duties, carried out more than 60 special community correction procuratorial activities in 20 township judicial offices under its jurisdiction, strengthened supervision over education and management of key community correction objects, prevented leakage of correction objects, and actively resolved regulatory risks, Escort the safe and inactive construction.

On August 10, 2020, Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate set up Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate's Juvenile Community Correction Studio in Wuwei Municipal Judicial Bureau, which is the first juvenile community correction and procuratorial studio in Wuhu.

Conduct heart to heart talks with minor community correction objects

On June 4, 2021, the Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate and the Wuwei Municipal Judicial Bureau held a joint meeting and countersigned the Provisions on Further Strengthening the Management of the Linkage and Cooperation of Community Correction Work.

Carry out special procuratorial activities for parole and temporary execution of community corrections outside prison

Carry out rule of law education and actively publicize the Community Correction Law

Convene the hearing activity of the implementation of the imprisonment of community correction objects

In the next step, Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate will continue to give full play to the procuratorial and supervisory functions of community correction, ensure the implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China, promote the standardized and orderly development of community correction, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of community correction objects, and maintain social security and stability.