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[Year of Capacity Improvement] Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate launched the "Observation Court" campaign against criminal crimes of illegal fund-raising
Time: June 13, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On June 9, 2023, the defendant Jiang Moumou, who was prosecuted by Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate according to law, was suspected of fund-raising fraud and illegal absorption of public deposits, and the defendant Zhu Moumou was suspected of fraud in a public hearing in Wuwei Municipal People's Court. Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate sent personnel to support the public prosecution in court. Some leaders of the court and all members of the criminal procuratorial department of the court watched the trial on the spot.

Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate accused:

The defendant, Jiang Moumou, violated the national financial management regulations, illegally absorbed public funds, disrupted the financial order, and the amount was huge; For the purpose of illegal possession and illegal fund-raising by fraud, which has caused huge losses to the victim, criminal responsibility shall be investigated for the crime of illegal absorption of public deposits and the crime of fund-raising fraud. The defendant Zhu Moumou defrauded others of property in the name of fictitious investment concert for the purpose of illegal possession, and the amount was especially huge, so his criminal responsibility should be investigated for the crime of fraud.

During the 5-hour trial, the public prosecutor interrogated the two defendants closely around the criminal facts charged in the indictment, revealed to the court the criminal facts, circumstances, nature and harmful consequences of the defendants Jiang and Zhu, and presented relevant evidence for conviction and sentencing in groups. The evidence was presented in detail and the cross examination was clear. In the court debate, the public prosecutor made a reasonable response to the defense and defense opinions put forward by the defendant and his defenders.

In the next step, Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate will continue to further promote the deepening and implementation of the special action for capacity improvement, further improve the legal supervision ability, and further build a procuratorial team with excellent professional quality through watching court trials, interpreting the law through cases and other ways. At the same time, with the implementation of the "No. 3 Procuratorial Recommendation" as the starting point, we will crack down on crimes in the financial field such as illegal fund-raising, and earnestly protect the people's "money pockets".

Prosecutors popularize the law:

What is illegal fund-raising?

What is illegal fund-raising?

According to the Regulations on the Prevention and Disposal of Illegal Fund Raising, illegal fund raising refers to the act of absorbing funds from unspecified objects by promising to repay the principal and interest or give other investment returns without the legal permission of the financial management department of the State Council or in violation of the national financial management regulations.

What are the common methods of illegal fund-raising?

(1) Promise high returns

(2) Fabricate false items

(3) False propaganda

(4) Use family affection to cheat

How to prevent illegal fund-raising?

Any investment has risks, and the higher the return, the greater the risk. Do not easily believe the so-called "steady profit without loss", "no risk, high return" and other propaganda. In the face of the tricks of swindlers, we should polish our eyes, reject the temptation of high profits, guard against illegal fund-raising, and guard our "purse".