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[Year of Capacity Improvement] Inspect enterprises and study together, and transfer the study of the theoretical central group of the Party Leadership Group to the workshop
Time: June 13, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In November 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a forum for private enterprises and stressed that "private economy is the internal element of China's economic system, and private enterprises and private entrepreneurs are our own people." On June 8, the central group was moved into the workshop by the Party Leadership Theory Learning Center Group of Nanling County Procuratorate on the second floor of the workshop of Nanling Jinlong Machinery Casting Co., Ltd, The members of the center team and the managers of private enterprises jointly learned the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the development of private economy, and held a forum on optimizing the business environment and the procuratorial organ serving private enterprises. Zhao Lijuan, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the County Party Committee, Member of the Working Committee directly under the County Party Committee, and Dong Hanyang, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee directly under the County Party Committee, jointly participated in the activity and held a forum on optimizing the business environment and the procuratorial organ serving private enterprises. Zhao Lijuan, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the County Party Committee, Member of the Working Committee directly under the County Party Committee, and Dong Hanyang, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee directly under the County Party Committee, jointly participated in the activity.

Different from usual, this time the class of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Group was directly moved into the enterprise. "In order to better manage the production safety of enterprises, our company's management offices are directly located in the plant." Wang Wei, assistant general manager of the company, introduced to everyone. At this time, the office is the scene of the activity of "inspecting enterprises and learning together - the theory center group of the party group learning into the enterprise", and outside the office is the running and booming machinery and equipment.

Since this year, Nanling Procurator has fully implemented the work requirements of the Municipal Committee of Political Science and Law, "the year of capability improvement, forge ahead 2023", and vigorously cultivated the fine new style of "strict, new, meticulous and practical". This time, the party group of the hospital "moved" the learning classroom of the theory center group into the enterprise is one of the measures.

"Thank you very much for the procuratorate's coming to our company today to carry out the joint learning activity of inspection and enterprise, and to convey the good policy of optimizing the business environment to us". Shi Shangzheng, the company's executive vice general manager, led a group of people to visit the enterprise workshop, introduced the company's current production and operation, safety management, environmental protection and compliance, and "praised" the activity.

Zhao Lijuan, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the County Party Committee and member of the working committee directly under the County Party Committee, said: "This activity is novel in form, rich in content and effective. Since this year, the county's political and legal system has vigorously carried out the special action of "Year of Capacity Improvement · Endeavour 2023". Through this activity, the ability has been further strengthened and the effectiveness has been shown, which has not only improved the mutual understanding between enterprises and the political and legal authorities, but also improved the satisfaction of enterprises with the political and legal authorities. The opinions and suggestions put forward by the enterprise also provide useful ideas for our political and legal authorities to further serve the healthy development of the enterprise. "

In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County will continue to take the theoretical learning center group of the Party Group as the bridge link, walk into enterprises and villages, enhance understanding and shorten the distance in the common learning, and lay a solid foundation for the procuratorate to run practical affairs for the people and optimize the environment for enterprises.