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[Capacity Improvement Year] Joint inspection to escort students' dreams
Time: June 8, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the eve of the entrance examination, Wuhu Wanpeng District Procuratorate, together with the Publicity Department of Wuhu District Party Committee and the District Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, carried out a special inspection on law enforcement in bookstores, Internet cafes, cinemas and other places around the examination venue, to create a good cultural environment for students who participated in the entrance examination.

This inspection focused on a comprehensive inspection of the cultural business sites around the examination venue, checking the fire-fighting facilities of the sites, and asking whether the Internet cafes accepted minors in violation of regulations, and whether there was any act of using the Internet cafes to engage in illegal activities such as spreading pornography or gambling; Whether the bookstore sells illegal publications, prohibited publications and pirated teaching aids; Whether there are such phenomena as showing infringement, secretly shooting and recording films in cinemas.

Special inspection