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[Linkage between government and procuratorial organs] Multiple parties jointly carry out proliferation and release, and the government and procuratorial organs jointly guard the Yangtze River Anlan
Time: June 7, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the occasion of the 52nd World Environment Day, in order to implement the propaganda requirements of the provincial procuratorate for "ecological procuratorial assistance in the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui", at 9:00 a.m. on June 5, Wuhu Procuratorate, Wuhu Economic Development Zone Procuratorate and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Economic Development Zone Court, the Economic Development Zone Public Security Branch, the Economic Development Zone Social Affairs Bureau, the Economic Development Zone Ecological Environment Branch Longshan Sub district Office of the Economic and Technological Development Zone and other units jointly carried out the special proliferation and release activities of "procuratorial blue guarding the 'Yangtze River green', and public interest litigation assisting the '10-year ban on fishing'" in Tianmen Mountain Scenic Area.

At the activity site, Cai Xiaodong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, introduced the handling of cases of illegal fishing of aquatic products by the procuratorate in recent years. Zhu Cuiping, Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of the Economic Development Zone, fully affirmed the initiative of the procuratorate of the Economic Development Zone in performing its duties to protect the ecological environment of the Yangtze River, and said that promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, which must be resolutely implemented.

Subsequently, the People's Procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs signed the Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Collaboration Mechanism of Administrative Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice and Public Interest Litigation of Illegal Fishing Aquatic Products. Chen Taihua, Deputy Director of Wuhu Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that this cooperation mechanism provides important support for the effective connection between criminal and public interest litigation and administrative law enforcement, and improves the efficiency of case handling, which helps to better combat illegal fishing of aquatic products, ensure the smooth implementation of the Yangtze River fishing ban in Wuhu urban area, and lay a good foundation for serving the protection of the Yangtze River.

Xi Yaowu, Deputy Procurator General of Wuhu People's Procuratorate, warmly congratulated the successful holding of the signing ceremony, and thanked the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for its concern and support for the procuratorial work in Wuhu. He pointed out that he hoped that the procuratorial and agricultural inspection parties could take this signing of the cooperation mechanism as an opportunity to promote mutual progress, work together, crack down on illegal fishing and other illegal acts that damage the ecological environment, and take practical actions to achieve, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the people in the Wanjiang River basin.

Finally, under the witness of various units, deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, people's supervisors, specially invited procurators' assistants, and compensation obligors in cases of illegal fishing for aquatic products, more than 8000 fry of cochineal fish, catfish, small scaled oblique jaw carp, mandarin fish and other fish swam into the water, injecting new vitality into the Yangtze River ecosystem.

Carrying out ecological restoration activities of proliferation and release is the concentrated embodiment of the procuratorial organ's implementation of the ecological procuratorial concept of "professional legal supervision+restorative judicial practice+socialized comprehensive governance". In the future, the procuratorate of the Economic and Technological Development Zone will continue to strengthen cooperation with relevant units, strengthen the protection of the ecological environment and natural resources through the multiple performance of criminal, civil and public interest litigation, earnestly assume the responsibility of supervision and protection of the ecological environment and public interests, and jointly protect the "ecological green" with the "inspection blue".