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[Year of Capacity Improvement] The founding meeting of Wuhu Society of Juvenile Crime Prevention Law was held in Jiujiang District Procuratorate
Time: June 2, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of May 30, the founding meeting of the Wuhu Society of Law for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, led by the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, was successfully held. Lv Mingyue, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, full-time Vice President of the Municipal Law Society, leaders of the Municipal Procuratorate, the Municipal Law Society, leaders of the Political and Legal Committee of the Jiujiang District Party Committee, as well as representatives from the legal and legal circles of the city, and youth work representatives attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Huang Yaowei, Deputy Procurator General of the Jiujiang District Procuratorate, introduced the preparation of the seminar to the meeting.

The meeting deliberated and passed the Rules of Procedure of Wuhu Juvenile Crime Prevention Law Research Association and the Electoral Measures of Wuhu Juvenile Crime Prevention Law Research Association, and elected the president, vice president, secretary-general, deputy secretary-general and manager of Wuhu Juvenile Crime Prevention Law Research Association. Wang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Jiujiang District Procuratorate, was elected as the President of the Municipal Juvenile Crime Prevention Law Society.

Wang Jun Yes Municipal Party Committee The Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the Municipal Procuratorate, the Municipal Law Society and other leaders and colleagues at all levels expressed their gratitude for their trust and support. The research association will focus on politics, the rule of law, and theory, pool joint efforts, and do a good job in legal research on the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

Lv Mingyue, on behalf of Wuhu Law Society, congratulated the establishment of Wuhu Law Society for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. For a long time, the Party and the state have attached great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of young people and the prevention of juvenile delinquency. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Party also clearly pointed out the importance of youth work. The prevention of juvenile delinquency is a systematic project that needs the participation of the whole society. The purpose of establishing the Society of Law for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency is to build a platform to gather more professional talents, promote the exchange and cooperation of legal scholars and practitioners in the field of juvenile delinquency prevention in Wuhu, and promote the continuous development of the city's juvenile crime prevention law.

Lv Mingyue raised three hopes for the work of the Society of Law for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency: First, we should adhere to Xi Jinping's idea of the rule of law, and ensure that the research on the prevention of juvenile delinquency is not biased. Guided by Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, we should persist in arming our minds with the theory of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, gathering consensus, and consciously integrating our thoughts and actions into the central decision-making and deployment. The second is to improve the working mechanism to ensure the high-quality and efficient operation of the Youth Crime Prevention Research Association. We should strengthen the organization and leadership, and give full play to the role of the members of the research team, especially the president and vice president; Perfect the operation mechanism and promote the standardization and institutionalization of the work of the Research Association; Strengthen communication and exchange, exchange experience with peers inside and outside the province, and broaden their horizons. Third, based on the practice of the rule of law, ensure that the Institute for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency provides intellectual support for the city's youth protection work. We should adhere to the problem orientation, focus on major issues, conduct in-depth investigation and research, and promote theoretical innovation; We should adhere to the practice orientation, and achieve effective transformation of achievements by putting forward countermeasures and suggestions that meet the needs of youth development.

During the recess, the participants visited the working area of the Juvenile Procuratorate on the second floor of the Jiujiang District Procuratorate and watched a feature film on the work of non censorship.

The establishment of Wuhu Society of Law for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency has built a platform for gathering wisdom and strength from all parties, marking another solid step in the construction of the rule of law in Wuhu, and also adding important strength to the implementation of the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, and promoting the healthy growth of young people.