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[Fayou Youth · New Era Prosecutorial Publicity Week] The "Wuhu has not yet bloomed, Ziyunying" uninspected studio has opened!
Time: May 30, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"Can minors recharge by playing games?"

"If minors don't want to study, is it legal to work outside?"

On May 29, on the eve of the Children's Day, Cheng Yun, the procurator of the uninspected workshop of the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County, "Wuhu not yet in bloom, Ziyunying", came to the south campus of Jishan Town Central Primary School, bringing a "law dinner" for students. Before the commencement of teaching, Cheng Yun received the letter of appointment issued by the school and was officially employed as the vice president of the school.

"Do you know what the word" three points of water added "is?" Do you know what knowledge related to law? "The lecture starts with the evolution of the word" law "and the" law "around you. It connects students' learning and living reality, uses easy to understand language, and combines judicial case handling practice to explain in detail how the Civil Code protects minors and what is campus bullying for students, How to keep away from the rule of law knowledge such as campus bullying, cultivate their ability to distinguish right from wrong, analyze right and wrong, develop good behavior habits, and strive to be law-abiding citizens.

The exchange at the activity site was continuous, and the students spoke enthusiastically. The classroom atmosphere was very active. At the end of the course, the uninspected police of the People's Procuratorate of Nanling County also presented the school with posters of the compulsory reporting system of cases against minors and books of the civil code.

give poster
