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[Civil Code Publicity Week] Civil Code -- the "umbrella" for the growth of young people
Time: May 29, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to conscientiously implement the 2023 "Better Life, Accompanied by the Civil Code" Theme Publicity Program of the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Justice and the National Office of Law Popularization, and actively respond to the fourth "Better Life, Accompanied by the Civil Code" theme publicity week activity of the People's Procuratorate of Anhui Province, on the occasion of the third anniversary of the promulgation of the Civil Code, in the afternoon of May 22, The People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District sent staff into Wuhu Huihui Middle School to give students a lively lecture on civil law.

Zhang Jing, the assistant prosecutor of the Fourth Procuratorate Department of Jinghu District People's Procuratorate, took the Civil Code - the "umbrella" for the growth of young people as the topic, and conducted a legal study with everyone from the four aspects of the overview of the Civil Code, civil rights capacity, civil capacity, and guardianship system.

"From life to death, the Civil Code affects the whole life and social process of a person. Before reaching adulthood at the age of 18, whether it is an unborn fetus, a child who is not familiar with the world, or a young person who is vigorous, they can find their own rights and obligations in the Civil Code..." The lecture starts with the lifeline of natural persons, From the perspective of civil code's protection of minors, combined with students' age characteristics and actual life, students can deepen their learning impression through vivid cases, so that they can deeply feel why the civil code is known as "the declaration of people's rights in the new era". At the same time, Zhang Jing called on young people to strengthen their awareness of knowing, understanding, abiding by and using the law, establish the concept and thinking of the rule of law, correctly exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations.

After class, students said that this study made them more deeply feel the protection of the Civil Code for themselves in all aspects, and also strengthened their awe of the law. In the future, they will continue to improve their awareness of the rule of law and dare to defend their rights and interests with legal weapons.

The study and publicity of the Civil Code is not going on overnight. The procuratorial organ will take this lecture as an opportunity to carry out the normalization work, strive to promote the study and publicity to go deeper and more practical, further expand the scope of law popularization, and strive to make the use of respecting the law and abiding by the law become common practice in the whole society.