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The case of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City, rescuing women in difficulty has attracted the attention of the central media!
Time: May 26, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On May 23, "Women's Work" on the third page of the China Women's Daily reported the case of the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District, Wuhu City, helping women in need. The case is that the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District further promoted "paying attention to women in need and strengthening special judicial assistance work", and jointly carried out the "Jinghu · Her Beneficial Action" activity with the Jinghu District Women's Federation, Specific measures to protect the rights and interests of women in need.

Original report


After more than two years of "cloudy" life, Tian, a 32 year old resident of Jinghu District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, and her 8-year-old son Xiao Liang finally ushered in a ray of light in their lives.

"The procuratorate has applied for 30000 yuan of judicial aid, and the Women's Federation has given 10000 yuan of" two cancers "aid. They also" support "me together, go through the judicial process to help me recover my ex husband's arrears of alimony, and help me solve my child's school problem..." In mid May, Ms. Tian, who is going to Shanghai to treat breast cancer, The full media reporter of China Women's Daily recounted all the help she and her children received in the nearly one-year judicial relief.

The joint assistance Ms. Tian received is a specific measure of the special activity of "Anhui Wind Warming" being implemented in Anhui Province to help women in need. At the beginning of last year, the Provincial Women's Federation and the Provincial Procuratorate discussed and formulated an activity plan in combination with the reality of Anhui. The municipal and county women's federations and procuratorial organs have formulated implementation opinions, defined the work content, specific division of labor and responsible personnel, and ensured close cooperation to form joint efforts.

Since the launch of the special activities, the two departments have coordinated and linked efforts to find out "no omission", "no obstruction" and "combination boxing" for women and children in need, so as to achieve "speed", "breadth" and "strength" in the rescue. Up to now, the province has rescued 742 women trapped by the case, and issued 9.956 million yuan of judicial aid.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Rights and Interests Department of Anhui Women's Federation, in March last year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the All China Women's Federation jointly issued the Notice on Carrying out Activities of "Paying Attention to Women in Difficulties and Strengthening Special Judicial Assistance". Subsequently, the provincial women's federation took the initiative to dock with the provincial procuratorate, and the two sides cooperated.

During the implementation, women's federations at all levels gave full play to their organizational advantages and carried out visits and investigations. For example, Wuhu Women's Federation issued the Women's Federation The Implementation Plan of "1000 Executive Commissioners Visiting 10000 Households" and the Notice on Continuously Conducting the Investigation and Resolution of Marriage and Family Disputes require the Executive Commissioners and Women's Federation cadres to adhere to the "five must visit and five must ask" principle when visiting and contacting women masses, and hand over clues to the procuratorial organ as soon as they find women and minors with difficulties in litigation.

Jointly carried out by Jinghu District Women's Federation and the Procuratorate "Jinghu · She Yixing" Under investigation, she was raised alone after divorce Ms. Tian, a 6-year-old son who also suffered from breast cancer, came into the sight of the cadres of the Women's Federation and was quickly transferred to the District Procuratorate.

"One rescue, long-term care." According to the person in charge of the Rights and Interests Department of the Provincial Women's Federation, in the rescue link, the provincial activity plan clearly requires the implementation of multiple joint relief for women and children in need. "Cities and counties (districts) are also refining their implementation opinions."

The reporter noticed that the Wuhu Women's Federation and the Procuratorate further linked the strength of civil affairs, human society, justice and other departments, actively built a diversified, all-round, long chain social relief system, established accounts for eligible relief objects, and flexibly adopted The multiple relief mode of "judicial assistance+legal assistance+spiritual comfort+social preferential care+policy assistance+social care" realizes the seamless connection between judicial assistance and social assistance.

According to the relevant person in charge of Jinghu District Women's Federation, after the transfer of Ms. Tian's rescue clues, the District Procuratorate and the Women's Federation implemented a series of rescue measures: after verification and visits, they confirmed that priority assistance should be given, and the District Procuratorate immediately assisted Ms. Tian to submit written materials, and only one week later, they issued 30000 yuan of judicial aid; At the same time, guide, support and assist Ms. Tian to claim alimony according to law; The Women's Federation helps to apply for "two cancers" relief; Coordinate the education department to help children go to school; After the case is settled, follow up the implementation of various assistance measures through a return visit.

In addition, Huaibei City, Anhui Province has made it clear that while the procuratorial organs carry out judicial assistance, women's federations at all levels will give each person relief funds and working funds from women and children in need 2000 yuan. For women and children in need, the grassroots women's federation has established a standing book of "one policy for one family" to provide psychological counseling, life care, emotional companionship and other care and assistance. The Xiangshan District Women's Federation, the Procuratorate and the Civil Affairs Bureau of the city have jointly established the "Morning Star Family Education Guidance Service Station", signed the Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Family Education Guidance Service for Juveniles Involved in the Case, and the three departments have established five mechanisms, namely, work consultation, entrusted investigation, parent education, daily supervision, strict confidentiality, and green channels for women and children in need.

"The whole province has taken unified action. The Women's Federation and the procuratorial organ have given full play to their respective advantages, closely cooperated and cooperated with each other, to achieve the organic connection between judicial assistance and social assistance to the greatest extent, effectively improving the sense of security and happiness of the rescued people and their families, and bringing warmth to the hearts of women and children in distress." The head of the rights department of Anhui Women's Federation said.

In this case, the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District and the District Women's Federation gave full play to their respective advantages, cooperated closely and worked together to maximize the organic connection between judicial assistance and social assistance, effectively improved the sense of security and happiness of the rescued people, and sent warmth to the hearts of women in need. In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Jinghu District will continue to play its procuratorial role, carry out special activities to help women in need, enrich relief means, increase relief efforts, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.