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[Digital procuratorial work] Special digital procuratorial team of Anhui Provincial Procuratorate went to the Procuratorate of Wangu District to investigate and guide digital procuratorial work
Time: April 24, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


On April 21, Fan Jing, Deputy Director of the Digital Procuratorate Office and Director of the Procuratorial Information Technology Department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, and Jiang Kebin, Deputy Director of the Case Management Office, led a delegation to the Wanpeng District Procuratorate to conduct special research and guide the digital procuratorial work. Xu Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Wanpeng District Procuratorate, all members of the digital procuratorial leading group and the special work team participated in the research forum, and Chen Yuan, Director of the Wuhu Procuratorate Office, accompanied the research.

At the meeting, Xu Lei introduced the implementation of the special action of big data legal supervision of the provincial procuratorial organ, the implementation of the small special activities of the court and the promotion of digital procuratorial work, as well as the preparations for the second big data legal supervision model competition. The heads of the first, second and third procuratorial departments respectively made legal supervision on the design of environmental protection tax and farmland occupation tax Five model supervision points selection, typical cases, model construction, existing difficulties, and future plans to make exchanges and speeches in the legal supervision of the "overlord clause" in the field of commercial housing sales, legal supervision of shell company supervision cases, legal supervision of legal aid rights of special groups involved in criminal cases, and legal supervision of community correction objects in the case of administrative illegal imprisonment implementation, Members of each responsible team made supplementary explanations, and reported and demonstrated the application results of the Institute's environmental protection tax legal supervision model.

The research team listened patiently and inquired in detail, and put forward guidance on digital thinking transformation, practical innovation and application, promoting the deep integration of digital procuratorial work and business, and expanding the data exchange between procuratorial organs and administrative law enforcement departments.

Fan Jing affirmed the digital procuratorial work of Wanpeng District People's Court: under the leadership of the party group of the People's Court, Wanpeng District People's Procuratorate actively explored a new model of digital procuratorial supervision, carefully summarized and refined digital procuratorial experience, and improved the quality and efficiency of procuratorial supervision with digital empowerment. It has distinctive characteristics, outstanding effects, ideas, energy, exploration, highlights, and results. For the next step of promoting work, Fan Jing put forward five requirements: first, establish a sense of opportunity. The "window period" of digital procuratorial work is fleeting. We should seize the opportunity to achieve leapfrog development; The second is to establish the awareness of handling cases. Digital procuratorial work should form a battle as soon as possible to expand the scale of cases; Third, establish innovative awareness, highlight the characteristics of local supervision points, innovate the way of procuratorial performance, and create the first mover advantage of digital procuratorial work; Fourth, to establish a systematic awareness, we should not only have the close cooperation and integrated promotion of the "four major procurators", but also have up and down linkage and coordinated operations; Fifthly, we should establish the awareness of security and confidentiality, strengthen security and confidentiality education, standardize the use and management of platform accounts, pay attention to data security and clue security, and achieve foolproof.

Xu Lei said that this special survey fully reflects the provincial procuratorate's high attention to the digital procuratorial work of the Wanpeng District People's Court and its concern for the Wanpeng procuratorial team. The Wanpeng District People's Court will take this survey as an opportunity to use digital procuratorial work to pool legal supervision, practice the concept of "win-win, win-win and win-win", improve the quality and efficiency of handling cases, and be able to perform their duties according to law, Give full play to the role of provincial digital procuratorial grass root courts as the contact point, strengthen the reporting of requests for instructions, actively plan the ideas of digital procuratorial work, deeply dig out the typical cases of digital supervision, and spare no effort to promote the high-quality development of Taiwan's procuratorial work.