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[National Security Education Day] Everyone is responsible for national security
Time: April 17, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
415 National Security Education Day

national security
415 National Security Education Day

What is national security

What are the behaviors endangering national security?

What can we do to safeguard national security

Speaking of safeguarding national security, you may think that the soldiers guarding the border and some personnel involved in the security work are actually responsible for safeguarding national security. On July 1, 2015, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted the National Security Law of the People's Republic of China, which stipulates April 15 every year as the National Security Education Day for All. April 15 this year is the eighth "National Security Education Day for All", with the theme of "implementing the overall national security concept, enhancing the national security awareness and literacy of all people, and consolidating the social foundation of the new security pattern to guarantee the new development pattern". Today, the prosecutor will lead you to learn about national security.

What is national security?
National Security Education Day

National security refers to the state power, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, people's well-being, sustainable economic and social development, and other major national interests that are relatively free from danger and internal and external threats, as well as the ability to guarantee a sustainable security state. National security includes political security, homeland security, military security, economic security, cultural security, social security, scientific and technological security, network security, ecological security, resource security, nuclear security, etc.

What are the behaviors endangering national security?
National Security Education Day

zero one
Conspiring to overthrow the government, split the country and overthrow the socialist system
zero two
Joining an espionage organization or accepting the task of an espionage organization or its agent
zero three

Stealing, spying, buying or illegally mentioning state secrets


Instigating, seducing and bribing state functionaries to rebel

Engaging in other destructive activities endangering the whole country
What can we do to safeguard national security?
National Security Education Day

one . Update anti-virus software in a timely manner, strengthen the prevention of viruses, and do not release some confidential information to the Internet at will. When publishing photos on social platforms such as WeChat friends circle, beware of unauthorized military bases, military ports, etc. in the photos. Do not take military photos, military vehicle fleet photos without permission.

two Reasonably express patriotic behavior, do not be instigated to publish inappropriate remarks and pictures on social platforms, and do not participate in the publication and dissemination of political publications.

three When traveling abroad and returning home, please do not bring foreign fruits, vegetables, soil, or animal specimens to prevent damage to China's ecological security.

The prosecutor reminds you: National security is all about us. Any organization or individual who finds clues endangering national security can call 12339 to report to the national security organ, or call the procuratorial service hotline 12309 to report to the procuratorial organ.