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[Year of Capacity Improvement] "1234" handling of judicial relief cases+"ulterior motives" tracking and return visits out of procuratorial work for the people "acceleration"
Time: April 14, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Aunt Liu, thank you for coming to see me. I don't know who to say something to. I want to talk to you often in the future

This is what Xiaoyan, a rescued minor, said to us on the evening of April 11. Because Xiaoyan finishes school at 5:40 every afternoon, in order not to disturb her study, Liu Hongxia, the post prosecutor of Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate, went to visit the little girl after school. Looking around the temporary student room, Liu Hongxia has mixed feelings. She is not only happy that the little girl lives again after suffering, but also sad that Xiao Yan has to study hard alone

"1": handling a judicial relief case

Xiaoyan is the criminal victim of a traffic accident. Her father died in the traffic accident. In addition to the basic compulsory traffic insurance, Xiaoyan's family did not receive any compensation. Xiaoyan suffered a secondary serious injury due to the accident. Her right ischial fracture with pubic symphysis separation needs long-term rehabilitation treatment. The accident trauma made her suffer from depression, so she had to suspend school. The only compulsory traffic insurance had little left after paying the first phase of medical expenses and father's funeral expenses. After checking the relevant materials of the judicial assistance application, Liu Hongxia immediately started the judicial assistance case handling procedure.

"2": the rescue process spanning two years

Judicial assistance is not simply the distribution of judicial assistance funds, nor is it "once distributed". In the process of handling the case, Liu Hongxia found that Xiaoyan was very negative to her life because of her father's death, her mother's asthma, and her own serious injury. She once suffered from depression, and therefore suspended her studies. At the same time, she needed to undergo three operations before and after her right sitting bone. Therefore, Liu Hongxia contacted the Women's Federation and actively sought psychological counseling teachers for Xiaoyan, opening the way for physical and mental treatment and companionship spanning two years.

"3": Give full play to the advantage of "joint" and request the provincial and municipal hospitals for three-level assistance

At the same time, considering that minors are the key objects of judicial assistance of the procuratorial organ, and the provincial and municipal courts are carrying out and deepening the special action of "Wan Feng delivers warmth" to help women in difficulty, Liu Hongxia immediately submitted the judicial assistance materials of the case to the Wuhu People's Procuratorate, and the Wuhu People's Procuratorate submitted them to the Anhui People's Procuratorate. Finally, the provincial, municipal and county procuratorates started the judicial assistance procedure at the same time, and jointly sent judicial warmth to Xiaoyan.

"4": affect the care of all parties, connect judicial assistance with social assistance

After solving Xiaoyan's problem, Liu Hongxia thought that it was a pity for Xiaoyan to drop out of school, so she contacted the school to ask about the possibility of returning to school, and explained to the school the reason why Xiaoyan had no choice but to drop out. After learning about the relevant situation, the school said that when Xiaoyan's treatment was over, she was always welcome to re apply for admission procedures.

In order to help Xiaoyan thoroughly dispel her worries, Liu Hongxia, together with the women's federation and the village committee staff, went to the civil affairs department to jointly promote Xiaoyan's rural subsistence allowance, medical assistance and other related issues Matters Handling of.

In the procuratorial organ Women's Federation With the joint efforts of the education department and the civil affairs department, Xiaoyan finally flew back to the blue sky.

"Have ulterior motives": there is no end to short term love for the people

After several days, Xiaoyan's teacher told Liu Hongxia that Xiaoyan's achievements were becoming more and more stable, and she also showed a brave and positive side in her life. It's hard to hide my concern. After obtaining Xiaoyan's consent, Liu Hongxia decided to visit her in person accompanied by Xiaoyan's teacher. In addition to bringing fruit and milk to Xiao Yan, Liu Hongxia wrote a letter carefully. Paper is short and love is long. Liu Hongxia feels that Xiaoyan will still face various difficulties and challenges in her future life and study, but Xiaoyan lacks confiding partners. She hopes to tell Xiaoyan in this way that she can communicate with herself by writing letters if she has any problems and feelings.

One rescue, long-term care

This is the judicial philosophy that all the prosecution and application police of Wuwei City Procuratorate adhere to in the process of judicial assistance. Only by making good things better and practical, can the temperature and power of justice be transformed into the warmth and security of the people!