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[Capacity Improvement Year] The procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the special action of "Capacity Improvement Year · Endeavour 2023"
Time: March 24, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Sanshan Economic Development Zone held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the special action of "Year of Capacity Improvement · Endeavour 2023". The meeting was presided over by Mei Wuyou, Deputy Secretary of the Branch Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the Academy. Tang Wei, member of the Branch Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General, Hu Chen, member of the Branch Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department, attended the meeting. All police officers attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and learned the Work Plan of Special Action of Wuhu Procuratorate for "Capacity Improvement Year · Endeavour 2023", and interpreted the task breakdown list of special action of Sanshan Economic Development Zone Institute in detail.

The meeting stressed that talent is the first resource, and team building has always been the top priority of the procuratorial work. The special action of "Capacity Improvement Year · Endeavour 2023" is of great significance to improve the professional quality of the procuratorial team. All departments should make sure that the specified actions are carried out in a practical manner, and the optional actions have highlights, so as to ensure that the special actions show results.

Meeting requirements

Pay attention to the combination of theoretical education and procuratorial work, and promote work through learning. We should not only focus on the Party's innovative theoretical arm and party spirit education, but also strengthen the professional ability of police officers. We should integrate this special action with the work of the procuratorial center, update the judicial concept and break the "skill panic" by organizing special lectures, business competitions, etc.

Pay attention to the combination of setting an example and encouraging and taking responsibility, and demonstrate and drive. Recommend outstanding police officers to participate in the selection of grassroots political and legal police officers satisfied by the masses, and improve them from point to area; Invite business experts to the podium, promote experience sharing, broaden working ideas, and create a strong atmosphere of learning and catching up.

Pay attention to the combination of special actions and long-term development, and make contributions for a long time. We should take the opportunity of the special action of "Year of Capacity Improvement · Endeavour 2023", persistently carry out professional ability training and professional talent training, and forge a main force for the modernization of procuratorial work.