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The provincial procuratorate came to Wuhu to investigate the procuratorial work of job-related crimes
Time: March 15, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to further give play to the procuratorial function of punishing corruption crimes and further promote the key work of duty crime procuratorial work, on the afternoon of March 9, the provincial procuratorate held a seminar on the investigation of Wuhu duty crime procuratorial work in Jinghu District People's Procuratorate. Li Lingchen, the director of the third procuratorial department of the provincial procuratorate, Sheng Haibo, a senior procurator at the fourth level, attended the meeting for guidance, and Ding Biyong, the deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy chief procurator of the municipal procuratorate, More than 20 leaders in charge of duty crime procuratorial work and special staff of the two courts participated in the symposium.

The Municipal Procuratorate reported in detail the overall situation of the work of the Wuhu Procuratorate on duty crimes since 2022. The leaders in charge of each grass-roots hospital successively reported on the work of their own duty crime procuratorial work, especially the connection between supervision and inspection and the promotion of joint investigation of bribery and bribery, and the staff of the special office of duty crime of each grass-roots hospital held a discussion and exchange.

After listening to the reports and exchange speeches of the two courts, Li Lingchen affirmed the work of Wuhu, believed that Wuhu had made positive contributions to the work of the provincial duty crime prosecution, and put forward three requirements for the next step:

First, strengthen the effect guidance. Adhere to political initiative and legal professionalism, and demonstrate procuratorial wisdom and accountability under the new anti-corruption system.

Second, strengthen mechanism guarantee. We will earnestly lead the handling of major cases and assign special personnel to handle other cases, strengthen the sense of responsibility, and create a high-quality professional case handling team for duty crime prosecution.

Third, strengthen dispatching management. We should focus on the key points, firmly grasp the connection between supervision and inspection, promote the investigation and punishment of bribery cases and other work priorities, implement the "Eight One" Work Measures of the Provincial Procuratorate to Punish Bribery Crimes, and strengthen the cooperation and restriction with the procuratorial and investigative departments; We should focus on data, strengthen the horizontal comparison and overall grasp of the quality and efficiency indicators of major businesses, and ensure the quality of cases; We should be active, summarize the experience of handling cases in a timely manner, strengthen the analysis, research and judgment, cultivate typical cases, and issue procuratorial suggestions for the industry's integrity risk.