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The Procurator General should visit at request and ask for private enterprises to help develop
Time: March 10, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to give full play to the procuratorial function and ensure the high-quality development of the private economy with the procuratorial active performance service, Wang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Jiujiang District Procuratorate, at the appointment of the person in charge of a real estate company in Wuhu, walked into the enterprise to understand the current business situation, listen to entrepreneurs' demands and carry out in-depth exchanges.

Wang Jun introduced to the person in charge of the enterprise the measures taken by the procuratorial organ to serve the private economy, as well as the supporting policies for enterprises in Wuhu City and Jiujiang District, so as to understand the demands and practical difficulties of enterprises. In response to the judicial appeal of enterprises, Wang Jun pointed out that the Jiujiang District Procuratorate will actively respond to the new expectations and requirements of private entrepreneurs for the protection of private enterprises by the procuratorial organ, combine the fight against crimes against enterprises and escort the development of enterprises, and contribute procuratorial power to the stability and long-term development of enterprises.

The rule of law is the best business environment. In the future, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District will continue to implement the system of "entrepreneurs meeting with the chief procurator", further optimize the "green channel" for enterprises' legal demands, and use high-quality procuratorial products to help private enterprises "strengthen their health" and "set sail".